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因为其中一条有个洞!Incase he got a hole in one!

万一发生了火灾,打开这扇安全门。Incase of fire, open this safety door.

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只有孩子死了,夫妻才可以再要小孩。Incase a baby dies, only then they can have another child.

安全部队已处于待命状态,以防出现暴力事件。Security forces have been put on standby incase of violence.

您上传的内容备份是任何硬件故障日常柜面。The content you upload is backed up daily incase of any hardware failure.

但如果你没有达到这个标准,记住沮丧于事无补。But incase you don't fit the bill, remember getting disheartened ain't gonna help.

我怀疑手机可能掉在地板上了,于是找遍房间的每一个角落,但仍然一无所获。I looked everywhere in the room for it incase it fell on the floor but it was nowhere to be found.

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这样,你将有税收优惠,以及你将钱好灵活的任何健康问题。This way you will have tax benefit as well as you will have good money incase of any health issues.

这样的话,这种生产方式的推广会在民间受到很大的阻力。Incase a generalisation of this suggested mode of production would be met with strong popular resistance.

我们已将你的信息存档,如果有什么职位需要的话我们会以邮件形式通知你的。We have however kept your particulars and incase of an employment opportunity, we shall inform you by email.

寻找包含杏仁油的商业申请,例如象你购买的皮肤面滋润霜或凝胶。Look for commercial applications that contain almond oil, incase you look to buy skin nourishing creams or gels.

我喜欢保存一个含有图层的文件,这样未来我可以做细微的修改。I like to keep a copy of the layered file just incase I decide to alter it slightly in the future, so save it as a.

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一旦巴基斯坦动用核武器,那么整个世界会反对巴基斯坦,这个国家会被从世界地图上抹去。And if incase pakistan use nuclear, then entire world will be against pakistan, and the nation will be washed out from map.

对了,没人能赢得核战争—如果你能理解得了的话,只有蟑螂才能赢。Oh! and by the way, nobody wins a nuclear war – if you would ever understand that. Only cockroaches would win incase of a nuclear war.

如带开关必须注明开关电流大小和极数,必要时提供电气系统图。Such as lead switch must indicate switch electric current heavy Small counting very much, offer the electric system picture incase of necessity.

当交易安全与法的静态安全冲突时,在近现代民商法上交易安全具有更加优越的地位。Incase of any conflict between transaction security and law′ s static security, the transaction security will be superior to the latter according to modern civil and business law.

空勤人员的主要职责是出现紧急情况时保证旅客的安全。其他职责是为乘客提供舒适和招待饮食。The main responsibility of the flight crew is to ensure the safety of the passengers incase of an emergency. Other responsibilities are providing for the comfort of the passengersand serving meals.

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法律允许坦桑尼亚电气供应公司从独立投资人那里购买电力,这就打消了投资者不知去哪售电的疑虑。The law requires TANESCO to buy electricity from independent investors without failure. It is useful information incase investors are in doubt of where to sell electricity which they would generate.