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也许那个警员是对的。Perhaps the constable was right.

康斯太布尔是伟大的英国画家。Constable was a great English artist.

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康斯太布尔是一位伟大的英国画家。Constable was a great English artist.

警察拦住了一个超速行驶的司机。The constable stopped a speeding driver.

镇里的治安官有一台蒸汽机。The constable in town has a steam engine.

向治安官赫勒举报这些吧,如你所说。Report this to Constable Hillers , as you said.

他派了一名警察把它送到重案调查室。He detailed a constable to take it to the Incident Room.

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如果你发现了什么奇怪的事,去向治安官赫勒报告!If you see anything strange, report it to Constable Hillers!

康斯特布尔在同行那也没受过什么鼓励。Constable found little encouragement from his fellows either.

他将把他送到新门监狱去,因为他袭击了警察。He should commit him to newgate for assaulting the constable.

郡警察局长说性骚扰应受谴责。The Chief Constable said that sexual harassment was deplorable.

这些和治安官赫勒的失踪有什么关系?。What does this have to do with Constable Hiller's disappearance?

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理查德先生,阁下,劳驾你去把警察喊来。Mr. Richard, sir, have the goodness to run and fetch a constable.

我祖父给我的那幅画原来是康斯塔伯的作品。The painting my grandfather gave me turned out to is a Constable.

警察给那开摩托车的人记过一次,因为他在“停车”标志前没有停车。The constable booked the motorist for failing to stop at "Halt"sign.

警察出于自卫而枪击逃犯的行为被判明无罪。The Constable was justified in shooting an escaped criminal in self-defence.

“我这里有个逃学的,”警官强尼说,“我开车直接送它回学校去。”I have a truant here. " said Constable Johnny. "Drive him straight to school. "

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一名利物浦的警员在试用部队的新遥控无人机。A police constable in Liverpool tries out the force's new remote-controlled UAV.

"你以为我这么愚蠢吗?"警察说,"你站在这儿我去捡。""You must think I'm daft," said the constable. "You stand here and I'll get it."

他们整个晚上都在烧,那个警员同时一直在复诵着咒语。They spent the whole night burning them, the constable repeating spells the while.