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你认为印度教和拜火教有什么联系?What connection do you think Hinduism has with Zoroastrianism?

未来往世书明确地把他们鉴别为琐罗亚斯德教徒。Bhavishya Purana explicitly identifies them with Zoroastrianism.

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游戏的故事情节和设置借用大量从拜火教。The game's storyline and setting borrow heavily from Zoroastrianism.

这些历史学家提到琐罗亚斯德教的变体祖以万教。These historians sometimes refer to this variation of Zoroastrianism as Zurvanism.

佛教从印度而来,而琐罗亚斯德教传向西方,影响着犹太教。Buddhism came in from India, while Zoroastrianism traveled west to influence Judaism.

还有更多的印度教和佛教的深奥思想影响琐罗亚斯德教,比如化身,因果报应和星形的位面。These have added Hindu and Buddhist esoteric ideas to Zoroastrianism , such as reincarnation, karma, and astral planes.

在另一方面,有一个关于恶神的故事,邪恶的神通常是琐罗亚斯德教发展起来,杀了一只公牛。On the other hand, there is a story of Ahriman, the evil god in popular developments of Zoroastrianism , killing a bull.

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依照琐罗亚斯德教的圣书“阿维斯陀”,琐罗亚斯德出生于波斯北部的阿塞拜疆。According to the 'Zend Avesta', the sacred book of Zoroastrianism , Zoroaster was born in Azerbaijan, in northern Persia.

祆教是世界历史上最古老的宗教,是波斯阿黑门尼德王朝的主要宗教信仰。Zoroastrianism is one of the oldest religions in the world history, which is also a dominating religion in Achaemenid dynasty.

据我所知,明教如今已经不复存在,我想这大概代表印度教是最古老的宗教了。As far as I know, Zoroastrianism is not practised today. I think it is meant that Hinduism is the oldest religion still practiced.

古典的西方世界直接地影响了印度宗教艺术,印度教的几个特征可以回溯到琐罗亚斯德教。The classical Western world directly affected Hindu religious art, and several features of Hinduism can be traced to Zoroastrianism.

至今仍保留着古老的文化和宗教,如索罗亚斯德教、佛教和伊斯兰教。Situated on the road from Asia Minor to India, it preserves the traces of ancient cultures and religions including Zoroastrianism , Buddhism and Islam.

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原来,是祥明教瞬太去跟路子说自己周末要做志愿者去医院给孩子们上课的事。Originally, is auspicious zoroastrianism instantaneous too to tell way to do their weekend volunteers went to the hospital to give the children in class.

难怪岑仲勉先生会作出“当日祆教之分布,观此可得其一脔”的推测。No wonder Mr. Tsutomu Cen will make "the date of the distribution of Zoroastrianism and watching this can be appropriately performed a domain" speculation.

萨珊波斯琐罗亚斯德教艺术在南北朝至隋唐艺术各个美术门类的影响曾经非常广泛,尤其在中国西部地区。Zoroastrianism art of Sassanian Persia had had very wide influence on the different arts in Nanbei Chao and Sui and Tang dynasty, the western part of China in particular.

他们善良与邪恶之间的战役的观念几乎是同一的,基督教采用一千年的周期是密特拉教完整地取自于琐罗亚斯德教的。Their conceptions of the battles between good and evil were almost identical, with Christianity adopting millennial epochs that were integral to Mithraism from Zoroastrianism.

把祆教的演变作为一个典型的历史个案,探讨祆教在其自身发展中发生过的具有重要意义的历史交往,试图从另外一个角度探讨宗教发展的某些规律。This paper takes the evolvement of Zoroastrianism as a typical case in order to explore some rules of the religion development and the important effect of Historical contacts.

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某些图像类型似乎是萨珊帝国文化所特有,也就是和国教琐罗亚斯德教有关的图像,但即使这方面,跨文化的例子也很多。Certain types of images seem specific to its imperial culture, namely those that refer to the state religion of Zoroastrianism . But even here cross-cultural sampling prevails.

摩尼教很长时期被认为是基督教的异端,但更加明确地表明,这是一种独立的宗教,吸收了基督教,琐罗亚斯德教和佛教等不同资源。Manichaeism was long treated as a Christian heresy, but it is more clearly understood as an independent religion, drawing on the diverse resources of Christianity, Zoroastrianism , and Buddhism.