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当时在弗吉尼亚还有一场大持久战The great war of attrition in Virginia.

现在,卡扎菲玩起了消耗战。Now, Qaddafi can play a game of attrition.

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这也导致员工摩擦的减少。This also leads to reduced staff attrition.

对于猴子来说这是一场消耗战。For the capuchins this is a war of attrition.

农夫们成为这场消耗战的被人利用的棋子。Peasants were the pawns in this war of attrition.

辊磨机主要靠挤压和摩擦研碎物料。Roller mills grind essentially by crushing and attrition.

国企还正在通过精兵简政来解决自身的问题。The soe problem is also solving itself through attrition.

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对于好的团队成员的低消耗时成功的信号。A low attrition rate for good team members is a sign of success.

这场长期的消耗战耗尽了两国的力量。The long war of attrition exhausted the strength of both countries.

他们决定打一场消耗战,而不搞全线出击。They decided to wage a war of attrition rather than to rely on an all-out attack.

象中国这样的大国,她的发展有可能会引起一些矛盾和磨擦。A big country like china, her development may be arose some conflict and attrition.

一方面,软件流失率通常作为估计应用商店规模的一个因素。For one thing, the app attrition rate is often a factor in calculating store sizes.

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“拚消耗”的主张,对于中国红军来说是不适时宜的。It is inappropriate to advocate a "contest of attrition " for the Chinese Red Army today.

可在门外放置擦鞋垫,以免将沙子或摩擦性灰尘带入室内。Doormat can be placed outside the door, lest take sand or attrition sex dirt, enter indoor.

力求避免打那种得不偿失的、或得失相当的消耗战。Strive to avoid battles of attrition in which we lose more than we gain or only break even.

为了检测整经辊沟槽的磨损程度,自行设计了一套检测系统。Independently designed a set of testing system to examine the attrition of combing roller slot.

这次减员有没有他去年调来的那个管总务的小姨子?The attrition have last year he transferred to the charge of the general affairs sister-in-law?

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介绍了一种新型砂磨机的设备结构和砂磨机粉碎法的工作原理。A new kind of attrition milling machine was introduced and it's working mechanism was discussed.

平面配流形式的磨擦副可以精度比较高的平台上进行研磨。The plane port form's friction vice-may in the precision quite high platform carry on the attrition.

从更广泛的角度出发,高离职率,对优秀人才缺乏有效的吸引,会影响整个产业的士气。On the broader perspective high attrition rates an poor talent engagement affect the industry as a whole.