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这道汤对我来说太淡了。This soup is too bland for me.

特德不温不火的样子能把人气疯。Ted could be maddeningly bland.

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麦当劳这类的食品是如此的淡而无味。The food tasted too bland to me.

我受够了那些乏味的食物了。I'm so fed up with the bland food.

这真是跟无糖的曲奇饼干一样,索然无味啊。It’s as bland as a sugar-free cookie.

结果新闻报道往往平淡无味。As a result news coverage tends to be bland.

“水。有白水么?”我重复了一遍。"Water. Just bland water please. " I repeated.

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如果你把气放掉了,这汽水喝上去就很淡,没啥味道了。The soda will taste bland if you let the fizz out.

他带着一副殷勤的、动人的笑容,走向前来。He came forward with such a bland , engaging smile.

这吃起来淡而无味,像加热过的纸板。It tasted bland and insipid, like warmed cardboard.

这样产生的推荐列表有些乏味。That creates a rather bland list of recommendations.

而且我喜欢吃辣,所以我的食物总是口感强烈。Plus I love spicy foods, so my diet is anything but bland.

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这一个技巧就能把乏味的食物变得美味。This tip alone can transform bland food in to masterful food.

这部小说里没有令人乏味的说教者来引导读者的思路。There is no bland truth-teller to lead the reader by the hand.

作出的回答只是一连串空洞的概论而已。His reply to the question was just a string of bland generalities.

我问塞利亚是否为明天感到兴奋时,她脸上显出茫然的样子。Celia if she was excited about tomorrow, she gave me such a bland look.

听上去还可以,趋于平淡或者说转向中性了,那这个呢?sounds well, kind of bland or revving in neutral there.What about this?

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不要让乏味的外部圣罗克瓦教会阻止你访问。Don't let the bland exterior of Saint Roch Church deter you from a visit.

我不想批评传统的食物,但是一些确实会随着时间而变得索然无味。My idea is not to knock traditional foods, but some do go bland over time.

而这份脱尘的秋光,便是那名寡淡的素衣女子。The dust removal of the autumn, is the name of the bland vegetarian woman.