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不要因为拼写错误而破坏了你的成就。Don't undermine your achievements by misspelling them.

不要拿自己和他人比较而贬低自己的价值。Don't undermine your worth by comping Yourself with others.

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他的敌人在散布谣言来暗中破坏他的威信。His enemies are spreading rumours to undermine his authority.

那将会进一步破坏选举的可信度。That would further undermine the credibility of the election.

不要跟人攀比而妄自菲薄。Do not undermine your worth by comparing yourself with others.

但是匆忙的撤军会破坏已获得的成就。But he says hurrying up withdrawals could undermine the effort.

“人才外流”还可能破坏未来的医疗培训。The “brain drain” may also undermine medical training in future.

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过于谨慎也会有损你的信誉度。Trying to be too solicitous can also undermine your credibility.

现在电子书籍正威胁到传统意义上的书籍销售量。Now e-books threaten to undermine sales of the old-fashioned kind.

我们过度崇拜成功和地位,从而削弱了彼此间的尊重。We idolize success and status and thus undermine our mutual respect.

最小的错误也可能破坏整个系统的完整性。The smallest mistake can undermine the integrity of an entire system.

说闲话者在传递不满情绪时会破坏每个人的努力。Gossipers undermine the efforts of everyone as they spread discontent.

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任何破坏中国社会稳定的企图都是不可能得逞的。Any attempt to undermine China's social stability will in no way succeed.

但这也有可能使你的提薪或提升机会烟消云散。But watch it, or you may undermine your chances for raises and promotions.

之前试点计划所做的努力会被这一法案抹杀,这是铁板钉钉已经发生的事情。This is exactly what happened to undermine previous pilot program efforts.

王称,他极大的希望些政策将阻止其增长。Wang said he has great hopes that the policy will undermine that increase.

例如巴赞对于蒙太奇破坏电影真实的观点就是不对的。For example, Bazin montage undermine the film is the wrong view of reality.

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一个偷工减料的防火墙,其复杂性将削弱其效力。The complexity of a jerry-rigged firewall will undermine its effectiveness.

反之,不公正或歧视性的法律会破坏公信。Unjust or discriminatory laws, on the other hand, undermine public respect.

他不会诋毁库克,但不管何种形式,形状或者形式,他仍在那里。He will not undermine Cook, in any way, shape or form, but he will be there.