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小叶有粗锯齿。Flocculus has thick toothed.

其包含小脑的绒球和小结以及它和平衡有关。Includes the flocculus and nodulus and is related to equilibrium.

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小叶增生应该注意什么,需要手术治疗吗?。What should flocculus hyperplasia notice, need an operation to treat?

在卵巢分泌黄体酮以前,腺小叶发育极其有限。In ovarian secrete corpus luteum ketone previously, gland flocculus growth is extremely narrow.

不良精神刺激导致的郁郁寡欢、孤独焦虑则是乳腺小叶增生的“催化剂”。To stimulate the spirit of the poor in sullen, lonely angst is hyperplasia of mammary gl flocculus "catalyst".

不良精神刺激导致的郁郁寡欢、孤独焦虑则是乳腺小叶增生的“催化剂”。To stimulate the spirit of the poor in sullen, lonely angst is hyperplasia of mammary gland flocculus "catalyst".

裤片是由面料、絮片和弹力布经线缝制在一起的层状结构。The trouser sheet is a layered structure which is sewed by a shell fabric, a flocculus and an elastic cloth with threads.

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研究发现,性冷淡或性生活不和谐是乳腺小叶增生的重要诱发因素。Research found that sex apathy or unsatisfactory sex is hyperplasia of mammary gland flocculus important inducing factors.

如发生乳腺小叶增生,则可能在整个月经周期有持续性疼痛,经前加剧。If produce hyperplasia of mammary gland flocculus , be in possibly wholeMenstruationCycle has durative ache, the aggravate before classics.

具枝刺。三小叶复叶,互生,小叶具锯齿,密被透明油点。Provide branch thorn. 3 flocculus compound leaf, each other is unripe, flocculus is provided toothed, be nodded closely by transparent oil.

金银花饮料中白色絮状物不但影响饮料本身的品质,还会给生产企业造成一定的经济损失。Not only does the white flocculus in honey suckle drinks level down their own qualities but bring about the pecuniary losses for enterprises.

灌木,茎。枝密生细刺,叶片外形与茶叶相似,边缘有尖锯齿,复叶长5片小叶。Bush, bine, branch gives birth to fine thorn closely, blade appearance and tea are similar, the brim has a tip toothed, compound leaf grows 5 flocculus.

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小叶片3,卵状披针形,托叶早落,叶互生,小叶边缘有锯齿,枝条柔软。Small lamina 3, egg shape wraps around needle form, stipule falls early, foliaceous each other is unripe, flocculus brim has toothed, vimineous softness.

雌激素对乳腺小叶的形成及乳腺成熟,不能单独发挥作用,必须有完整的垂体功能系统的控制。Estrogen is mature to the formation of mammary gland flocculus and mammary gland, cannot produce effect alone, must have the control of whole hypophysis function system.

性成熟后,尤其是妊娠期间,在黄体酮与雌激素的联合反复作用下,腺小叶能充分发育。After the gender is mature, especially between gestation, relapse in the combination of corpus luteum ketone and estrogen below action, gland flocculus can fill minute of development.

在妊娠期可使乳腺得到充分发育,使乳腺小叶终末导管发展成为小腺泡,为哺乳作好准备。Can make in gestation mammary gland gets sufficient growth, make mammary gland flocculus eventually end conduit development becomes glandule bubble, make good preparation for lactation.

中脉延长为卷须,末端有一小叶笼,瓶状,瓶口边缘厚,上有盖,绿色为主,有褐色或红色的斑点和条纹。Midrib is lengthened for tendril, extreme has one flocculus basket, bottle shape, opening brim is thick, there is a lid on, green is given priority to, have Brown or gules stain and streak.

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通过SDS-PAGE电泳分析,T85-260在甘露聚糖培养基中分泌的胞外酶蛋白质谱带多达48条,而甘露糖、葡萄糖、木糖、果胶培养基中依次为44条、42条、33条和27条。By the analysis of SDS-PAGE electrophoresis, T85-260 producing exocellular proteins flocculus in the culture of mannan, mannose, glucose, xylose and pectin nourishment is 48, 44,42,33,27 respectively.