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我们乘小公汽去牛奶路。We take a minibus to Milkway.

他们乘小型公共汽车绕市区旅游。They were traveling around the city by minibus.

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淡水线芝山站下车,转乘市民小巴11,约4站即达。Zhishan station, Citizen minibus 11, around 4 stops.

小型客车指的是一种特别用于短途旅行的小公共汽车。Minibus means a small bus typically used for short trips.

有定期船和小巴服务到海滩。There are regular boat and minibus services to the beach.

我们将用中客车在你的华欣或差安酒店接你。We'll take you from your Hua-Hin or Cha-Am hotel by minibus.

他们用拍卖得来的钱买了一辆新面包车。They bought a new minibus with the proceeds from the auction.

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这辆小客车能轻松地坐下12个人。This minibus can accomodate 12 persons without any difficulty.

3个人被从一辆面包车中发射的乱弹打死了。Three people were killed by shots fired at random from a minibus.

我当时依稀感觉到中巴车上的人都将目光投向了我。I was vaguely felt minibus people are shifting their attention to me.

那名男生在穿过街道时让一辆小公共汽车撞倒了。The schoolboy was knocked down by a minibus when crossing the street.

周日有从曼哈顿亚裔社区开往博物馆的小型公共汽车,每小时一班。On Sundays a minibus leaves hourly from the Asia Society in Manhattan.

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而在另一边,一辆微型车被撞碎,被压在车身已扭曲的卡车下面。At another, a minibus lay crushed beneath the hulk of a jackknifed truck.

拥挤的小巴士上人们激动地叫喊起来,“马可波罗,马可波罗”。Excited cries of "Marco Polo, Marco Polo", rose inside the packed minibus.

在某银行实习期间,每天早上都会乘坐E1路公交小巴。During my internship in a Foreign Bank, I would take line E1 minibus to work.

小巴司机被困在车内,由消防员救出。The driver of the minibus was trapped in the vehicle and was rescued by firemen.

武装分子同时也向一辆载着电信员工去上班的中巴车开了枪。Militants also opened fire on a minibus carrying telecommunication employees to work.

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在街上骑车的男孩被一辆小型客车撞到,生命垂危。The boy cycling in the street was knocked down by a minibus and received fatal injuries.

E1小巴,从深圳关外到关内,路途只停六七个站,属于特快小巴。Minibus E1 is an express bus across the Customs in Shenzhen with only six or seven stops.

敏仪要求上小巴看看,并把祁望的画作交还给逸升。Minibus see sensitive instrument requirements, and give qi works by looking back to escape.