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关于东盟的兄弟之谊就言尽于此。So much for ASEAN brotherhood.

天下一家是大自然的真相。Brotherhood is a fact in nature.

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我认为他想念的是战友情。I think what he missed is brotherhood.

赐我们真如亲兄弟一般的恩典。Grant us the grace of true brotherhood.

来吧!兄弟,把手放上来。Come on, put your hands on your brotherhood.

他相信各民族间都应亲如兄弟。He believes in the brotherhood of all peoples.

现在,战友情和友情是不一样的。Now, brotherhood is different from friendship.

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萨伯不睬解,以为没需要。The brotherhood sauber solution, they think no need.

伊斯兰教是个推崇和平、仁善与手足情谊的宗教。Islam is a religion of peace, humanity and brotherhood.

我们在战争年代同舟共济的兄弟情谊是史无前例的。Our comradeship and our brotherhood in war were unexampled.

在艰难岁月中,他的兄弟情谊对我而言意义非凡。His brotherhood meant so much to me in the time of hardship.

而且还跟西汉王朝结成了兄弟之邦。It forged brotherhood alliance with the Western Han Dynasty.

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萨科齐承诺将以团结、兄弟情谊的精神履行职责。Sarkozy promised to act in a spirit of union and brotherhood.

那么就不在有战争,冲促。世界大同。So there is no war, red and promoting. Universal brotherhood.

人类全体的兄弟情是我们最珍贵的财产。The universal brotherhood of man is our most precious possession.

他们完全平等和兄弟般地在一起生活和工作。They live and work together in complete equality and brotherhood.

本人不克不及坐视不睬,本人要坐南越王!I the brotherhood as blink his, I want to sit in south yue emperor!

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煽动阶级仇恨不能够增进人类的手足之情。You cannot further the brotherhood of man by inciting class hatred.

他欢迎这告诉兄弟武士他的策划的机会。He welcomed the opportunity to tell the brotherhood what he envisioned.

您是否愿意在我保证下加入共济会?Do you wish under my sponsorship to enter the brotherhood of freemasons ?