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你的指控真是荒谬。What a ridiculous accusation.

我无法逃避这个指责。I can't dodge this accusation.

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热比娅否认了这一指控。Kadeer has denied the accusation.

随后,张大使驳斥了这一指控。Zhang then rebutted the accusation.

警方也否认了这些控告。Police also dismissed the accusation.

这似乎是个相当男子气概的指控。This seems a fairly macho accusation.

但我们看得出他如何招惹指责。You can see how he got the accusation.

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随后,张大使驳斥了这一指控。Mr. Zhang then rebutted the accusation.

鲍勃·奎克后来撤消了指控。He subsequently withdrew the accusation.

那人控告她并发誓说控告属实。The man swore an accusation against her.

他对指责一笑了之。He passed off the accusation with a laugh.

因此,该组织对中国的无端指责是不可接受的。Relevant accusation is thus not acceptable.

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只要问心无愧,无端指责可一笑置之。A clear conscience laughs at false accusation.

我对他的这种责备非常气愤。I was furious at his making such an accusation.

保尔森对冲基金公司并未受到指控。Paulson & Co. , did not receive any accusation.

警官们迅速上前盘问,质疑他的指控。The officers quickly challenged his accusation.

他们控告克罗史行窃。They have laid an accusation of theft against Croker.

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林登被免受进行欺骗的指控。Lyndon was exonerated from the accusation of cheating.

帕默将莫林.金丝利宣称的事告诉了卡尔。Palmer tells Carl about Maureen Kingsley’s accusation.

你能帮我快一点儿处理一下这桩经济讼案吗?Can you help me to hurry along the economic accusation ?