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但是骄傲自满情绪也无处不在。But there was complacency.

他脸上显出得意的神气。He had an air of complacency.

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她喜形于色地昂首走了进来。She swept in, with her complacency.

但是没有时间自鸣得意。But this is no time for complacency.

但是,陈冯富珍告戒人们不要自满。But, she warned against complacency.

这想法使他很不安。The thought jostled his complacency.

这样的成绩可能已经酝酿了骄傲自满的情绪。Such success may have bred complacency.

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锐意进取,永不自满是我的座右铭。Forge ahead, never complacency is my motto.

但是这成功可能带来骄傲自满。But this success may have led to complacency.

然而,这种自满是非常危险的。Yet all this betrays a dangerous complacency.

自鸣得意是大多数公司的通病。The problem with most compa-nies is complacency.

他谴责政府的懈怠和自满。He accused the government of slackness and complacency.

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有时候我们考好了就自满。Sometimes we take an examination of well is complacency.

但裴伟士警告大家不能自满。That’s reassuring, but Peiris warned against complacency.

赶脚的对头是脚懒,学习的对头是自满。My head is foot lazy, complacency is the enemy of learning.

学习要虚心,自满是敌人。Be modest in learning,for complacency is the enemy of study.

自我破坏——当你发现自己陷入自满。Self-Sabotage – when you find yourself mired in complacency.

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0157号大肠杆菌是一个现实的威胁,我们没有任何松懈的空间。E coli 0157 is a real threat. There is no room for complacency.

「会的,它像蜜蜂一样的哼哼叫。」男孩沾沾自喜地回答。"Yes, it hummed like a bee, " the boy answered with complacency.

一听说“家”这个字,他父亲又得意洋洋地朝他望了一眼。The word home made his father look on him with fresh complacency.