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睡觉,和洋子还是和弥娜?Sleep, with yoko or Mina?

米娜·奥普瑞高塔坐到了卢修斯的膝盖上。Mina Operagalta sat on Lucius' knees.

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你认识一个叫做蜜娜科库利亚的女人吗?。Do you know a woman called Mina Corcurea?

米娜·奥普瑞高塔渐渐走到了舞台的边缘。Mina Operagalta strolled to the edge of the stage progressively.

随着最后一声鼓响,米娜·奥普瑞高塔举起她的双臂。At the last sound of percussion, Mina Operagalta raised her arms.

西弗勒斯自己也被这个神秘的米娜·奥普瑞高塔迷住了。Severus himself was captivated by this mysterious Mina Operagalta.

你看,藤井美娜和日本杂志上的模特一模一样!Look, Mina Fujii looks exactly like the models in Japanese magazines.

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双星矿场坐落在墨西哥米却肯的群山之中,是一个现已被废弃的金矿。Mina dos Estrellas is now an abandoned gold mine in the mountains of Michoacan, Mexico.

他是这所机构的主要研究人员兼这一最新研究的通信作者。Mina Desai, an LA BioMed principal investigator and corresponding author of the new study.

米娜内疚一直没告诉塔纳帕莱的下落,就请他们去餐厅吃饭。Mina guilt has been didnt tell the whereabouts of the tana warned, they go to a restaurant.

维克要米娜找到真的价目表,这样才能证明爱科比波没有贪污。Vick to mina find true price list so that he can prove that love kobe wave without corruption.

自从米娜·奥普瑞高塔走进这间屋子,纳西莎住在圣芒戈的事就变成无人再提的旧事了。Narcissa in St. Mungo's had become a simple memory, since Mina Operagalta had entered the room.

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吴明伦通过从开关伸展到墙上的手绘花朵将开关变成了一个装饰物。Mina Wu turned it into a decorative object by hand-painted flowers that grow from the switch over the wall.

这次旅行在加利福尼亚和泰勒街拐角处开始,那是米娜成为吸血鬼的诞生地。The tour begins at the corner of California and Taylor Streets, where Mina relates her creation as a vampire.

不然为什么猎鹰过境就没事,而米娜现在却毁坏了那个地方,伴随着卡洛扬河泛滥至26英尺高?Why else would Falcon leave this area untouched, when Mina now devastates it with flooding up to 26 feet in Cagayan?

潮州市米纳珠绣有限公司是一家专门设计和生产时尚晚礼服的厂家。Chaozhou Mina Beading & Embroidry Co. Ltd is a company which specializes in designing and manufacturing fashionable evening dress.

某天,一个阿尔巴尼亚穆斯林女孩莎美娜因被怀疑杀了邻村东正教教徒逃亡到这个修道院,藏匿于基卢屋内。One day, an Albanian Muslim girl Sha Mina killed for being suspected of fleeing to the neighboring village Orthodox monastery, hiding in Jilu house.

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科波拉所制作的1992版在主角吸血鬼德古拉和米娜增加了浪漫唯美的元素。Coppola's 1992 version added a romantic element to the story between the characters of Dracula and Mina Harker, and a backstory of Dracula's origins.

旧金山rn74餐馆开业后将提供上乘佳酿,配以大厨米纳准备的法式菜肴。San Francisco's restaurant opening, rn74, will showcase the best wines available and pair them with regional French cuisine prepared by Chef Michael Mina.

为了让广大女性更好的找到适合自己的化妆品,米娜时尚网和魅派网联合推出“品牌化妆品试用活动”。In order to better the majority of women find their own cosmetics, fashion network and Charm School Mina network jointly "brand cosmetics trial activities."