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所有的弓下来到有翼的阳物像!All bow down to the winged phallus!

他的象征是有翼的鞋子和头盔。His symbols were winged sandals and helmet.

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欢乐、博爱、奇妙之声展翅飞旋。A winged sound of joy, and love, and wonder.

生命就像断翅的鸟儿不能飞翔。Life is a broken- winged bird that cannot fly.

这种有翅膀的哺乳动物多亏了吸血鬼才上了万圣节鬼怪名单。The winged mammals can thank vampires for that.

当熊接近时,恐怖使他加快了脚步。Terror winged his steps as the bear drew nearer.

蚜虫对寄主的选择主要为有翅蚜。Aphids select host plants mainly by winged aphids.

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飞马是古代一匹有名的长着翅膀的马。Pegasus is a famous winged horse of ancient times.

猛禽包括沼泽鹞和黑翅鸢。Raptors include Marsh Harrier and Black winged Kite.

飞猴们也曾经在这件事情上帮助过她。The Winged Monkeys had also helped her in doing this.

第一架班机向西飞回了家。The first of the airliners winged westwards and home.

执政官的力量集中在一个翼形魔杖上。The focus of the Archon force is a winged magic club.

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连那最高超的心灵,也逃不出物质的需要。Even the most winged spirit cannot escape physical necessity.

鸟类就像长翅膀的哨兵,预示了我们所居星球的未来。Birds are like winged sentinels, signaling our planet’s future.

他穿着一双带翅膀的鞋,戴着一顶带翅膀的帽子,随身带着一根魔法棒。He wears winged sandals, a winged hat, and carries a magic wand.

这是一个在理论旋转翼飞机的虚拟研究。It is a virtual study in a theoretical whirling winged aircraft.

跟黑翼蛇的战斗结束以后,DD和BB都感到很累了。After fighting the black winged snake, DD and BB were very tired.

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因为梦想一旦幻灭,人生将是折翼的鸟儿,再也不能飞翔。For if dreams die, life is a broken- winged bird that cannot fly.

整车采用铝管式车架和鸥翼车门。The EV is made from an aluminum space-frame and has winged doors.

我们爱得那样深,连天上的天使,也把我和她嫉妒。With a love that the winged seraphs of heaven Coveted her and me.