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他是一位实业界巨子。He is a business tycoon.

他想把它叫做“大款蒂姆”。He wants to all it Tycoon Tim.

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他想把它叫做“大款蒂姆”。He wants to call it Tycoon Tim.

他会是太空旅行的大亨吗?Will it be a space-travel tycoon?

他会是一个进入太空旅行的大亨吗?Will it be a space-travel tycoon?

英国有位年轻的地产大亨弄丢了他的兰博基尼。A youngproperty tycoon mislaid his Lamborghini.

澳门赌场何鸿燊称被家人“劫持”分家。Macao casino tycoon says he was given raw deal.

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上海泰沣展览服务有限公司。Shanghai tycoon exhibition service company ltd.

霍利,没错。匹兹堡的钢铁大王。Nathan Hockley. That's right. Pittsburgh steel tycoon.

他指责苏尔科夫策划了他的垮台。The tycoon blamed Surkov for orchestrating his downfall.

高薪的经理代替了趾高气扬的大老板。The high-salaried manager replaced the swaggering tycoon.

制药业大亨柯克的第一次商业冒险最终以失败告终。Pharmaceutical tycoon R. J. Kirk's first venture was a flop.

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翻译为卡洛斯,在墨西哥的电信大亨,是另一位亿万富翁效仿。Carlos Silm, a telecom tycoon in Mexico, is another billionaire to follow.

她的丈夫,新加坡烟草大亨黄和祥陪她参加了仪式。Her husband, the Singaporean tobacco tycoon Ooi Hoe Soeng, accompanied her.

肯尼迪家族的大部分财富属于他的父亲商界大亨约瑟夫·肯尼迪。Most of the family wealth resided with his tycoon father, Joseph P. Kennedy.

后来,俄罗斯流亡大亨别列佐夫斯基接手了他的豪宅。Later, the exiled Russian tycoon Boris Berezovsky took another of his mansion.

隐遁的企业大亨在于尼日利亚前军事领导合作后得到巨大转机。Reclusive tycoon got big break hobnobbing with former Nigerian military leaders.

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由于主持用了「神」这一词,而女富商又是无神论者。Since the journalist has used the word "God" and the woman tycoon is an atheist.

今秋开卖的“亿万富豪”即为明例。"Billionaire Tycoon", which will go on sale this autumn, is one engaging example.

腾中重工所在地四川省的一位富豪李炎将收购余下股份。Li Yan, a local tycoon in Tengzhong's native Sichuan province, is to buy the rest.