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在令人倦怠的夏日,我们供大家遮荫。We gave shade on languorous summer days.

可以听到柔弱的笑声和满意的呻吟。We hear languorous laughter, moans of satisfaction.

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而看到济慈诗集--我的心好痛--绵绵之爱,死亡无息。And Keats — my heart aches — murmuring of love and languorous death.

在他倦意蜷蜷的伦巴歌声中,刚果夫妇们从来没有停止过舞步。Congolese couples had never stopped dancing to his languorous rumbas.

他感觉到自己流露出一个倦怠的微笑,她注视着他。He felt himself breaking into a languorous smile, and she beamed at him.

职业倦怠现象渐渐走进人们的生活。The languorous phenomenon of occupation walks into people's life gradually.

错综的心愿,早熟的感情,太多冷漠的情绪,全写在脸上。A maze of desires, emotions ripened prematurely, languorous and listless moods, all written on my face.

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而看到济慈诗集--我的心好痛--绵绵之爱,死亡无息。to a dog frisking in the shallows. And Keats — my heart aches — murmuring of love and languorous death.

懒洋洋的和弦似乎与合成音乐的重力相抗争着,同时音乐又像上了一个黄金相框。Languorous chords seem to defy gravity as ambient synthesizer textures frame the music with golden glow.

一种使人不知怎样好的天气,大家打着懒长的哈欠,疲倦而又痛快。It was disconcerting weather, people yawned long and lazily, feeling languorous and happy at the same time.

庸懒、华丽、柔软光滑的质感。纱线或许是时髦的、或许是古典的,但都隐含若干程度的倒错、坠落气质。Languorous , luxurious , soft and sleek , the yarns can be smart and classic , but with a hidden edge of perversion.

这中间多的是红唇、白面、香发以及迷茫懒散的大眼睛。The rouged and powdered cheeks and lips, the scented hair, the large, misty, and languorous eye, were common enough.

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多年前,一个微风轻拂的三月天,泉水慵懒地低吟,芒果花飘落在尘土中。Years ago it was a day of breezy March when the murmur of the spring was languorous , and mango blossoms were dropping on the dust.

不经意间,他谈及利比亚人时会说“他们”,而且据他本人的说法,他那美国式迅速同时处理多项任务的风格,与利比亚式的冗长讨论格格不入,形成鲜明对比。He unwittingly refers to Libyans as "they" and says his American-style rapid multitasking is a sharp contrast to Libyans' languorous discussions.

如图中这只印度班达迦国家公园的雌老虎,在炎热的天气里老虎总是没精打采的打瞌睡,以为夜里的捕猎积蓄能量。Photograph by Michael NicholsTigers, like this female in India’s Bandhavgarh National Park, spend hot days in a languorous laze, storing energy for nights of hunting.

随着生活节奏的加快和工作压力的增大,档案管理人员的职业倦怠已经成为不可忽视的职业病。Enhancing, occupation of file handling crew are languorous with circadian rhythm bEing accelerated and actuating pressure already become the assignable occupational disease.

跟着糊口节奏的加速和工作压力的增年夜,档案打点人员的职业倦怠已经成为不成轻忽的职业病。Enhancing, occupation of file handling crew are languorous with circadian rhythm being accelerated and actuating pressure already become the assignable occupational disease.

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我们人类的大脑可以计算时间,从一闪而过的毫秒到漫漫长长的几个小时、几天、几月、几年……这一思维功能是人类数亿年来不断进化的成果。The human brain keeps time, from the flicker of milliseconds to the languorous unfurling of hours and days and years. It's the product of hundreds of millions of years of evolution.

目的通过对我院门诊药房和成药房的调剂员的调查分析,分析草药房调剂员易发生职业倦怠的原因。Objective By inquiring into analysis to the druggists of the herbal pharmacies and the non-herbal pharmacies in hospital , the reason of the languorous is easy to understand in the herbal pharmacies.