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为了这样做他们无须和布尔什维克主义决裂。To do this they had no need to break with Bolshevism.

考茨基与俄国和布尔什维克有着一层特殊的关系。Kautsky had a special relation to Russia and to Bolshevism.

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它不过是利用布尔什维克主义的旧商标,以便更好地欺骗群众。It is simply using the old label of Bolshevism the better to fool the masses.

“我恐怕波尔雪维克主义是个太大的问题。”韩蒙摇着头郑重地说。I'm afraid Bolshevism is a large question, ' said Hammond, shaking his head seriously.

没有这一基本特点,布尔什维克主义就永远也完成不了自己的历史作用。Without this fundamental quality Bolshevism would never have fulfilled its historic role.

“我否认波尔雪维克主义是合乎逻辑的,它根本就反对前提上的大前提。”韩蒙说道。I deny that Bolshevism is logical, it rejects the major part of the premisses, ' said Hammond.

布尔什维克主义以左派反对派为代表同苏联官僚集团及其共产国际决裂了。In the form of the Left Opposition, Bolshevism broke with the Soviet bureaucracy and its Comintern.

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很早的时候,他就认识到布尔什维克的巨大威胁,并把他的一生奉献给了这场斗争。He recognised the terrible danger of Bolshevism at an early date and dedicated his existence to this struggle.

由敌对力量的斗争所构成的历史过程,被用布尔什维克主义在真空中的演化来偷换了。The historical process of the struggle of hostile forces is replaced by the evolution of Bolshevism in a vacuum.

那些建议抛弃布尔什维克主义、把它当作历史上“破产了的”流派的人们当中,没有一个人指出了新的道路。None of those who propose to renounce Bolshevism as an historically bankrupt tendency has indicated any other course.

英美军队自以为在为自己的同胞而战,但他们不过是帮助布尔什维克扩大在欧洲的版图。The Anglo-Americans will then continue the war no longer for their own peoples but only to further the spread of Bolshevism in Europe.

布尔什维克主义的最重要的特点之一就是对待理论问题的严格的、一丝不茍的、甚至是吹毛求疵的态度。One of the most outstanding features of Bolshevism has been its severe, exacting, even quarrelsome attitude towards the question of doctrine.

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不仅苏维埃国家可能离开社会主义道路,而且在不利的历史条件下,布尔什维克党也可能失去其布尔什维克主义。Not only can the Soviet state abandon the way of socialism, but the Bolshevik party can, under unfavourable historic conditions, lose its Bolshevism.

为什么十二年来所有协约国成员的物质和技术手段却撼不动一个人工培育的布尔什维克主义呢?Why has the material and technical apparatus of all the countries of the entents failed in twelve years to overthrow this artificially fostered bolshevism ?

显然,麦考利这里用的是“社会主义”,其意义相当于20年前常用一顿素食或一幅“立体派”画像来指“布尔什维克主义”。Obviously Macaulay is here using the word "Socialism" in the same sense in which , 20 years ago, a vegetarian meal or a Cubist picture used to be referred to as "Bolshevism".

现在,共产国际的官方领袖们正在以装模作样的深奥,解释提高党的理论水平和学习“布尔什维主义历史”的需要。The official leaders of the Comintern are now expatiating with an air of profundity upon the need to elevate the theoretical level of the party and to study "the history of Bolshevism ."

把苏维埃国家的蜕化过程描绘成纯布尔什维克主义的演化,这就是为了从社会现实中按照逻辑分析出来的一个因素而无视了整个社会现实。To represent the process of degeneration of the Soviet state as the evolution of pure Bolshevism is to ignore social reality in the name of only one of its elements, isolated by pure logic.