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政府则陷入了没完没了的暗斗之中。The government is bogged down in endless infighting.

此次疫情是政府监管不力和内讧的结果。It was the result of regulatory inaction and infighting.

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中式快餐企业真功夫的内斗还在继续。Chinese fast food enterprises skillful infighting continues.

特别是,王和孙宏斌的内斗,而且是可爱的规划。In particular, Wang and Sun Hongbin of infighting , but also is lovely planning.

他们在中国的金钱诱饵下混战内讧,最后一一屈服于中国。This infighting with each other, by the Chinese money inducements, they all yield.

从那以后,由于受到政府胁迫加上党内争斗,反对穆加贝的运动。Since then the anti-Mugabe movement has foundered because of infighting and intimidation.

没有勾心斗角的阴云,没有争强好胜的风雨,有的仅是那点憨厚单纯的一抹绿。There is no infighting clouds, no aggressive rain, there is only the simple and pure green.

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以及因左翼党派争斗和暗地毁谤而理想破灭的受伤害的理想主义者马艾塔。and Mayta the damaged idealist, disillusioned by the factionalism and infighting of the left.

如果这个目标没有实现,联盟分裂,或者这些大项目出现了内讧怎么办?And if that target is not reached, the consortium unravels, or there is infighting over mega-programmes?

这次内讧是自从哈马斯在一年前的内战中赶走加沙地带的法塔赫势力以来最严重的一次。The infighting is some of the most serious since Hamas routed Fatah forces in the Gaza civil war a year ago.

法塔赫资深官员沙阿斯认为,这种内讧会产生反效果,而且伤害到巴勒斯坦人的利益。Senior Fatah official Nabil Shaath says the infighting is counter-productive and harms Palestinian interests.

假如你没有打乱这个系统,但由于内斗及其它不可知的问题会导致一个混乱的局面。And let's say you don't tamper with that system. It just devolves into a chaos because of infighting and whatnot.

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苏丹南部正准备庆祝脱离苏丹数十年的政治暗斗和内战。South Sudan prepared to celebrate its secession from Sudan following decades of political infighting and civil war.

尽管党内内斗与奥运后民族主义的上扬,民主党设法在60个席次中赢得21席。Despite party infighting and a surge in post-Olympic nationalism the democrats managed to win 21 out of the 60 seats.

那就是他的论点,有点混乱,因为他谈论的两个人事实上是亲密的盟友。That's his argument. It's a kind of infighting because he's talking about two people who are actually very close allies.

理由五是,地球人类你们在地球上争来夺去也就算了,现在好了,跑到我们宇宙中来明争暗斗了。Reason five is, earth people you on earth to contend for away also calculate, well now, ran to our universe to infighting.

北洋政府统治时,军阀连年混战、政府无暇顾及教育,而这一时期人民的思想却异常活跃。Under the Beiyang Government's rule, government had no time to attend education, because of years of warlords' infighting.

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不过,目前为止还没有宣布任何决定,分析人士将此归因于部门内斗和围绕该基金作用展开的争论。But no decision has been announced, a delay analysts attribute to bureaucratic infighting and debates over the fund's role.

Debian的高度民主结构导致了有争议的决定,并引起了开发者之间的混战。The highly democratic structures of Debian have led to controversial decisions and gave rise to infighting among the developers.

兰科夫表示,内讧甚至可能牵扯到金针日家族内部,显示朝鲜并没有外界普遍认为的那麽团结。Lankov said infighting could have even involved the family itself, warning the regime is far less united than commonly perceived.