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这就是为什么大家说大叔有很厉害的肘子。Its a reason why people say deke has sharp elbows.

明天是我的生日,大叔可以给我点惊喜吗?Tomorrow is my birthday, deke can give me some surprise?

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但木大叔在快攻体系下有明显的弱点。However, Deke has trouble matching up against faster-paced teams.

认为大叔在每一场比赛中就尽全力的发挥。Thinks that Deke plays to the utmost of his ability every single game.

他还写了一个宇航员穆托姆博斯莱关于他的经历的书。He also wrote a book with astronaut Deke Slayton about his experiences.

毗邻长江,拥卧东海之滨,位于长江入海口北岸的吕四港口。Being situated near Yangtse River and seashore of the East Ocean, DEKE Co.

大叔多大了?送出4个火锅,打了31分钟?我们现在是西部排名第一。How old is Deke? To block 4 shots and play 31 minutes? And we are number one in WC!

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一是大叔房间里曾经做好的家的模型,另一个是大叔鱼缸中那两条快乐的鱼…One is deke room of the house once well, another is deke model tank that two happy fish.

他说穆大叔每场将打15-25分钟,感觉大叔有能力打的更长。He says Deke will see 15-25 minutes a game. Feels Deke is capable of playing that much a night.

下半场我们回到比赛中,然后在一记大火锅后,阿德尔曼换下了大叔,那是个错误。We came back in the game in the 2nd half, then Adelman took out Deke after a big block. That was a mistake.

我不认为斯通、霍华德、帕吉特、苏拉、巴蒂尔和大叔能在现在的成就上还能取得很大进步。I don't expect Alston, Howard, Padgett, Sura, Battier, and Deke to improve much over their current performance.

山东德克鼓风机有限公司是一家专业开发和生产通风设备的综合性企业。Shandong Deke Blower Co. , LTD is a comprehensive enterprise which professional develop and productive the ventilation equipment.

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成都德克机械有限公司认为在转子动平衡的调试行业有广阔的市场空间,蕴含着高额的利润。Chengdu Deke Technology co, . ltd. deem it is a big market for rotor motion balance test, and there are high profit in this market.

位于北卡罗来纳州艾西维尔市的国家气象数据中心的德科?阿恩特指出,2009年将是自1880年以来气温最高的十年之一。Deke Arndt of the National Climatic Data Center in Asheville N. C. noted that 2009 will rank among the 10 warmest years for Earth since 1880.

霍华德已经成为一个20分,10板的危险人物,大叔也成为一个每次都可以抓15个篮板以上的危险人物。Howard are both playing out of their minds. Howard has been a threat for 20 and 10 and Deke a threat to grab at least 15 rebounds every time out.

而尔冬强的作品却恰恰相反,他镜头中的现代化德国城市,虽经历过战争和东西德离和,但呈现于画面的却是一脉相承的德意志文明态势。On the contrary, modern German cities photo in Deke Erh's works, although had experienced war and divide, take on an uninterrupted Germany civilization state.

姚不在的时候火箭打得好的原因显然是麦蒂打得好,以及姚受伤后火花,大叔和巴蒂尔不可思议的进步。The big reasons the Rox are 6-2 without Yao is obviously the play of Tmac, but also the incredible improvement of Howard, Battier, and Deke since Yao got hurt.

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能够和他做三年队友,是我的荣幸。一想到再也看不到他盖帽后摇手指的动作,我就很难过。It is my honor to have called him a great teammate for the last 3 years and I am sad that I will not see Deke wagging his finger after blocking yet another shot.

他是唯一一个同时参加过“水星”“双子星”和“阿波罗”先遣计划的宇航员。NASA selected Schirra as one of the first group of astronauts, along with Gordon Cooper, Scott Carpenter, John Glenn, Alan Shepard, Gus Grissom and Deke Slayton.