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真理不怕人驳。Truth fears no refutation.

不过,他对王学的批驳也有不合理之处。But, Gao's refutation also had some unreasonableness.

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所有的辩驳与解释都是多余的,因此我才不理会你。Refutation and explanation are useless, so I have ignored you.

不论控方说什么,他都能给予相应的驳斥。What ever the accuser said, he could give corresponding refutation.

在谓词演算的反驳树中,被证明的合式公式。In the refutation tree of predicate calculus, the proved conjunctive formula.

第五,最好为你的辩驳提供来龙去脉。Fifth, it is best to give context and explain what you are issuing a refutation to.

第四,辩驳同样可基于可靠、中立的第三方资源。Fourth, the refutation should also come from a trusted, neutral, third-party source.

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假如我的理论是错的,一个反驳就足够了,一百个零加起来还是零。If my theory is wrong, a refutation is sufficient, and the one hundred zero is zero.

一个为害极大的者在笛子的致敬和一个全哑之人的驳斥声中被处决了。A acute persecutor get be executed dawn salutes of flutes, or refutation of an absolute mute.

个为害极大的迫害者在笛子的致敬和一个全哑之人的驳斥声中被处决了。A acute persecutor has been executed with salutes of flutes , and refutation of an absolute mute.

加害人对基础事实的反驳属于反证,而对推定事实的反驳则是本证。Perpetrator's refutation to basic facts is disproof, while his refutation to presumed facts is proof.

本文认为,从直接反驳和间接反驳的定义以及从归谬法的反驳特点来看,归谬法只能归属于直接反驳。The author thinks it belongs to the former according to the definition of both and the feature of refutation.

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直到现在,马克主义的批评者也很少愿意承认,公审和大规模恐怖活动也无法对其进行反驳。Yet the criticsof Marxism are rarely willing to concede that show trials and mass terror areno refutation of it.

文章在概述笛卡儿的正方论点的基础上,综述了罗素的反驳和福尔斯的调和论。This article summarizes the argument of Descartes and refutation of Bertrand Russell and John Fowles' compromise.

一些科学家对该研究大为赞许,称其反驳了“气候门”事件期间气候怀疑论者提出的若干论断。Some scientists hailed the study as a refutation of the claims made by climate sceptics during the Climategate saga.

科学研究的一项基本原则是发表的结果要接受独立的验证和反驳。A fundamental tenet of scientific research is that published results are open to independent validation and refutation.

对这些以及其他一切哲学上的怪论的最令人信服的驳斥是实践,即实验和工业。The most telling refutation of this as of all other philosophical crotchets is practice, namely, experiment and industry.

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需要判断的是,那些批驳在哲学中的真实度以及在法学中的有效性究竟如何。It is essential to think deeply how to judge the degree of reality in philosophy and th validity in law of the refutation.

“好吧,”弗兰兹叹了一口气说道,“你随便吧,我亲爱的子爵,因为我无力反驳你的论据,但无论如何,这位基督山伯爵总是一个怪人。”"Well," said Franz with a sigh, "do as you please my dear viscount, for your arguments are beyond my powers of refutation.

表面上对84001陨石生物学假说的反驳使火星生命问题扑朔迷离。The apparent refutation of the biological hypothesis for the ALH 84001 meteorite leaves the question of Martian life unresolved.