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圣母院大教堂晚上将点起泛光灯。Notre Dame cathedral will be floodlit at night.

在你的美食晚餐之后,可以到被聚光灯照耀的纪念碑去走一趟。After your gourmet dinner, take a walking tour of the floodlit monuments.

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时间是在夜里,人们的苍白的脸和鲜红的旗帜都沐浴在强烈的泛光灯灯光里。It was night, and the white faces and the scarlet banners were luridly floodlit.

我们每周都在萨尔福德的阿尔伯特公园举办选秀。We held trials every week up at Albert Park in Salford on the floodlit Astroturf.

国庆期间上海的主要区域将整夜灯火通明。The main districts of Shanghai will be floodlit all through the night during National Holidays.

导游脸上带着微笑,站在山顶上俯瞰着我们在泛光灯照耀的缓坡上滑雪。With a smile on his face, the tour guide was overlooking us skiing on the gentle slope which was floodlit.

开了几分钟的车,我们便在杜布罗夫尼克高大城墙的塔形墙基前停车,城墙有泛光照明着。Within a few minutes' drive, we are parked at the towering base of Dubrovnik's mammoth and floodlit walls.

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我跟随着隐约听到的音乐走进了漆黑的巷子,突然在居民楼之下出现了灯火通明的婚宴。I padded down unlit alleys towards a thread of music, and emerged beneath flat-blocks to see a floodlit wedding feast.

我跟随着隐约听到的音乐走进了漆黑的巷子,突然在居民楼之下出现了灯火通明的婚宴。I padded down unlit alleys towards a thread of music, and emerged beneath flat-blocks to see a floodlit wedding feast.

在夜幕中,大楼的立面华灯璀璨,巨大的灯光秀是浦东无法比拟的。At night, its floodlit facades offer an unparalleled vantage point for marveling at the giant light show that is Pudong.

超大户外游泳池、趣味儿童游泳池、海景温泉、泛光网球场等康体设施尽显“休闲舒适”。Fitness facilities include outdoor swimming pools, children's swimming pools, sea view hot springs and floodlit tennis court.

对于周日夜赛的排位成绩不佳的原因,基米·莱科宁在新加坡表示了极大的无奈。Kimi Raikkonen in Singapore expressed frustration about the reasons for his low qualifying position for Sunday's floodlit race.

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陈光诚的住处晚上有泛光灯照着,并被切断了与外界的电话联络。Activists know they have little chance of meeting Mr Chen, whose house is floodlit at night and cut off from mobile-phone networks.

比尔居然想在隆冬时节举办一场露天灯光音乐会,大家都认为着这是一个怪念头,所以也就没人支持他。There was no su ort for Bill's plan to hold a floodlit open-air concert in the middle of winter, and everybody thought it was a very flaky idea.

比尔居然想在隆冬时节举办一场露天灯光音乐会,大家都着这是怪念头,也就没人支持他。There was no support for Bill's plan to hold a floodlit open-air concert in the middle of winter, and everybody thought it was a very flaky idea.

比尔居然想在隆冬时节举办一场露天灯光音乐会,大家都认为着这是一个怪念头,所以也就没人支持他。There was no support for Bill's plan to hold a floodlit open-air concert in the middle of winter, and everybody thought it was a very flaky idea.

按照时间安排,新加坡大奖赛将在下个月月底举行,但事实并没有提前测试赛事的照明系统。The floodlit event, to be held on the streets of Singapore at the end of next month, will take place without any prior pre-race testing under lights.

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酒店为您精心打造的休闲设施还包括一个奢华的水疗会所,健身中心,桑拿设施,自动排水的室外网球场以及一个20米长的室内恒温游泳池。Facilities at the hotel also include a fully equipped LV Spa, fitness centre, sauna, floodlit outdoor tennis court, and a 20 meter indoor heated swimming pool.