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她在政治上有头脑。She is politically aware.

因为它政治上很容易。Because it is politically easy.

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在政治上这能站的住脚吗?was it politically understandable?

你认为政治上可行吗?Is that what you can do politically?

有些同学则是左翼的。Some of you are politically left wing.

有些同学的政治立场是右翼的。Some of you are politically right wing.

这座城市在政治上很活跃,It's a city that is so politically active

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勒庞形容他政治名誉扫地。She has described him as politically discredited.

巴拉克奥巴马正受到政治上的猛烈批评。Barack Obama is being politically crushed in a vise.

我们要鄙视一切反动派。A politically ultraconservative or reactionary person.

这些关连可能在政治上给奥巴马以重击。Those contacts could be politically damaging to Obama.

侍从?噢,抱歉,从政治角度,这么说对吗?。A lackey?Oh, I'm sorry. Is that politically incorrect ?

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那种特指的改革将是在政治上具有争议的。That particular reform will be politically contentious.

它在经济上和政治上都是精心设计的吗?Was it well-designed, both economically and politically?

出售中金公司股权也具有政治上的敏感性。The sale of the CICC stake also is politically sensitive.

信教的和不信教的,在政治上一律平等。The believers and the non-believers are politically equal.

但从政治上来看,这样的姿态甚至更有问题。But politically such an approach is even more questionable.

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你说的旧金山在政治上很活跃,是什么意思?What do you mean by San Francisco being politically active?

但是洪成潭继续创作有政治导向的作品。But Mr. Hong continued to produce politically oriented work.

毕晓普认为新浪在微博上线时具有敏锐的政治嗅觉。Bishop said Sina was politically astute when launching Weibo.