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他希望保持她海拉明在未来两个星期。He wants to keep her on benadryl for the next two weeks.

海拉明是一种称为抗组胺类药物的一部分。Benadryl is part of a class of drugs called antihistamines.

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他们给了我一些苯那君,为的是让我瞌睡,可是不起作用。They gave me some Benadryl to make me drowsy, but it didn't help.

它们是一些抗组胺剂,具有镇静剂一般的副作用。There are antihistamines, like Benadryl , which have a sedative side effect.

利用如止咳去痰制剂等药物帮助孩子睡眠可能会埋下隐患。Using drugs such as Benadryl to help a child sleep may mask underlying problems.

装一些一些超强效的抗组胺药,比如Benadryl过敏胶囊,在你的钱夹里。Slip a few maximum-strength antihistamines, like Benadryl Allergy capsules, into your wallet.

您可能还需要如同海拉明柜台的药物来帮助避免引起过敏反应的过敏原的产生。You may also want to take an over the counter medicine like Benadryl to help avoid the allergens that cause your reaction.

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直到食品药品管理局调查后,麦克尼尔公司才召回了数百万瓶的泰诺、苯那君和其他药品。Only after the F.D.A. inspection did McNeil executives recall millions of bottles of Tylenol, Motrin, Benadryl and other pills.

非处方药品中的九种药品,包括儿童可他敏、泰诺关节炎止痛片,是由麦克尼尔消费者医疗保健部门制造。Nine involved nonprescription medicines -- from Children's Benadryl to Tylenol Arthritis -- made by its McNeil Consumer Healthcare unit.

周六,FDA告诫消费者停止使用婴幼儿用液体布洛芬,泰诺,盐酸苯海拉明糖浆和仙特明等药品,这些药品在周五被大范围责令召回。On Saturday, the FDA urged consumers to stop using liquid Tylenol, Motrin, Benadryl and Zyrtec for children and infants after a broad recall late on Friday.

仅过了一天,因生产设备清洁工作不到位,麦克尼尔公司又从批发商处召回4700万件药品,包括速达菲、派德、苯那君等。Only a day later, McNeil recalled 47 million units of Sudafed, Sinutab, Benadryl and other drugs from wholesalers because of issues like inadequate equipment cleaning practices.