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属于或关于冲积层的。Of or relating to alluvium.

土壤轻土壤组成的冲积土和沙子。Soil Light soil composed of alluvium and sand.

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表土花粉可能成为冲积物花粉的一部分。Surface pollen may be a part of the alluvium pollen.

矿床赋存于全新统冲积层。This saphire deposit is occurred in the Holocene alluvium.

江西长江防洪干堤修筑在九江—黄梅平原第四系冲积层之上。Flood bank in Jiangxi is built on the Quaternary alluvium of Huangmei Plain.

西北部或山丘地带较古老而呈褐色的冲积层,则较无污染。Older, brown alluvium , such as in the northwest or the hilly regions, is less contaminated.

冻结壁的安全性是深厚冲积层中冻结凿井的关键问题。The security of freezing wall is the key problem of freezing shaft sinking in deep alluvium.

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冲积、洪积物的堆积及破坏作用强度均不太大。Alluvium , alluvial material accumulation and the damaging effects are not too much intensity.

上部主要是近代河流冲积层,下部为倾状冲积层。The upper part of the main river alluvium in modern times, the lower the pour-shaped alluvium.

在部分地方,山坡岩屑在基岩上形成覆盖层,而冲积土则分布于部分河谷中。In some places hill-slope debris forms amantle over the bedrock and alluvium fills some of the valleys.

作为方法应用的实例,列举了区域河水和沉积物研究所得结果。Examples of application of the method include the results of a regional stream water and alluvium study.

大部分反射率较高的冲积层和灰岩都位于特性曲线的趾部。Much of the higher reflecting alluvium and limestone fell along the toe portion of the characteristic curve.

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大部分反射率较高的冲积层和灰岩都位于特性曲线的趾部。Much of the higher reflecting alluvium and limestone fell along the toe portion of the characteristic curve.

本文简述了张北煤矿副井井筒冻结段深厚膨胀粘土层的施工过程。The text describes the construction progress in the deep and expansive alluvium at Zhangbei auxiliary shaft.

随冻结法凿井深度的增加,我国对深厚冲积层冻结井冻结压力分布的研究需求已经十分迫切。Research on freezing pressure in deep thick alluvium is in great need with the increase in depth of frozen shaft.

在某矿巨厚含水冲积层下,有三种不同产状的煤层。Three kinds of different coal seams be found under the huge and thick water contained alluvium in a certain mine.

这些数据可为深厚冲积层冻结法凿井工程的设计提供参考依据。These data may chisel the well project for the deep alluvium freezing process the design to provide the reference.

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冻结法已成为深厚冲积层及不稳定含水层的首选施工方法。The freezing method became the preferred shaft sinking method when constructing in thick alluvium and unstable aquifer.

山前侵蚀平原,麓原一种由侵蚀引起的在另一陡的倾斜底面上的宽而缓缓倾斜的岩石层面,其上通常覆盖著冲积土。A broad gently sloping rock surface at the base of a steeper slope often covered with alluvium formed primarily by erosion.

因此,在深厚冲积层中采用冻结法凿井,面临着诸多新的理论和亟待解决的关键技术。Therefore we face with challenges in many new theories and key engineering technology in the thick artificial frozen alluvium.