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得洛斯矗立,太阳升起的地方!Where Delos rose, and Phoebus sprung!

徒有红脸的菲勃斯高举金色的火。And reddening Phoebus lifts his golden fire.

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福玻斯和伟大的潘神——收获之王。Phoebus , and the great Pan, lord of harvest.

钢琴即兴做的很好!Piano improvisations nicely done by Phoebus Chan.

日神菲比斯的战车正掉在长河之中。The chariot of Phoebus is running into the long river.

就算我的生命结束了,阿波罗的光辉也不会熄灭。Even if I lost my life, Apollo phoebus won't be disappeared.

福波斯最后不得已才带他到停放神车的地方。So Phoebus at last led the way to where stood the lofty chariot.

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关于阿波罗是否在背地里偷听诗人的演说。that Phoebus Apollo was actually eavesdropping on the poet's discourse.

他用日神和酒神来象征这两种艺术精神。He respectively uses phoebus and dionysus to symbolize the spirit of the two arts.

太阳神阿波罗,突然而又出人意料的出现了。It's that moment in which Phoebus Apollo makes a sudden and unexpected appearance.

太阳神阿波罗,突然而又出人意料的出现了。It's that moment in which Phoebus Apollo makes a sudden and unexpected appearance.

阿波罗再也无法责骂或是批评他了,因为他本身已经成为了阿波罗。Milton can no longer be chided or be criticized by Phoebus because he's become Phoebus.

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阿波罗再也无法责骂或是批评他了,因为他本身已经成为了阿波罗。Milton can no longer be chided or be criticized by Phoebus because he's become Phoebus.

其中之一便是黑暗女神勒托,提坦神科俄斯和福柏的女儿。One of these was Leto , a goddess of darkness and daughter of the Titans Coeus and Phoebus.

其它的几个核反应堆和核能火箭设计被试验,最为成功的是Phoebus和XE-Prime。Several other reactors and rocket designs were tested, most successfully the Phoebus and XE-Prime.

太阳神笑想着自己喀耳刻有更好的准备,因为狩猎现在正式。Phoebus laughs thinking to himself Circe had better be ready, because the hunt is now officially on.

他已经吸收了阿波罗触动他人的权威,那么,弥尔顿,为什么那么重要呢?He's absorbed the touching authority of Phoebus Apollo, the god of the sun. Milton -- why is that important?

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不仅是他的登场让人措手不及,他似乎也打断了诗歌创作者的叙述,以此来对他进行纠正。Now not only does Phoebus Apollo make a sudden appearance, but he seems actually to interrupt the speaker of the poem in order to correct him.

海子早期的诗歌,阐释了日神精神执著个体生命,迷恋生命梦幻的理想。In early time, Haizi explained the spirit of Phoebus by persisting in the value of individual life and longing for the life illusion ideal in his poem.

以醇厚爵士音乐及年轻钢琴手陈隽骞的浪漫钢琴恋曲,谱出动人旋律,让你沉醉在这?廊中!The romantic piano by young pianist Phoebus Chan and Jazz melodies will certainly bring you to the exotic "Music Corridor" filled with love and tender passion!