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门阶上摆着万圣节前夜的南瓜灯。A Halloween jack-o’-lantern on the doorstep.

新闻记者整天在他门口纠缠著不走。Newspapermen camped at his doorstep all day.

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当她走出门时我的心都快跳出来了。When she came out on the doorstep my heart leaped.

一个她邀请的客人还在邻居门前的台阶上撒尿。One of the guests urinated on a neighbour’s doorstep.

我几乎可以肯定地认为,责备不应落到你的身上。I hardly think the blame can be laid at your doorstep.

我们就在他的门阶前露营,直到拿到票为止。Let's camp out on his doorstep until we get our tickets.

在回家的路上,他不知不觉来到亚纪家门前。On the way home, he unconsciously came and jamie doorstep.

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令人感到心烦的还有,特斯拉竟然在宝马的家门口慕尼黑开了一家代理店。Annoyingly, Tesla opened a dealership in Munich on BMW’s doorstep.

毕竟,谁又想让自己的最大竞争对手兵临城下呢?After all, who wants your biggest rival pitching up on your doorstep?

请工人们帮忙捡起门口阶梯上不请自来的传单。Ask workers to help pick up unsolicited flyers left on your doorstep.

他坐在小屋门前的台阶上,正在雕刻一块木头。He was sitting on the doorstep of the cottage, carving a piece of wood.

另外,我们也可以送票上门,只是您得另付5元钱。Or we can send the tickets to your doorstep if you like to pay 5 yuan more.

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鱼跑回树林里去了,但青蛙只是坐在门的台阶上。The fish ran back into the woods, but the frog just sat down on the doorstep.

青蛙站在门的台阶上,从那条鱼手里接过一个大大的白色信封。The frog stood on the doorstep and took a large white envelope from the fish.

所以你出现了,在她的门阶上,就是我们刚才看到的片段,然后发生了什么?So you show up at, at her doorstep in the scene we just saw, and what happens?

巴黎郊区偶发的骚动成为他的论据。Sporadic eruptions in the banlieues of Paris pose a challenge on his doorstep.

夜班行李员会把您的鞋收走并有人给您擦好,第二天一大早送回来放在您的门口。The shoes will be shined and returned to your doorstep early the next morning.

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道歉像是你在门口留下个礼物,并且希望对方喜欢。Apologizing is like leaving a gift on the doorstep and hoping it’s appreciated.

进化,不会如同一个预先制成的包裹,放置在你们人类的门阶上。Evolution is not going to arrive as a preformed package on your human doorstep.

一队的球员常来拉玛西亚看看,偶像巨星就在学校门口。First-team players regularly drop by, heroes and inspirations on their doorstep.