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我怒冲冲地说,这时我母亲进来了。I say furiously as my mother enters.

不停地喧腾起下午的艺术。Stir furiously the art of afternoon.

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他得用拳头猛烈地重击车子。He pounded his fists furiously against it.

无色的绿色主意狂暴地睡着。The colorless green ideas sleep furiously.

拉蒂默先生书中的叙述颇具争议。Mr Latimer's account is furiously disputed.

她开始狂怒地用纸巾擦。She began furiously dabbing at it with a napkin.

奋力爬出诠释懦弱的悬崖。Crawls furiously the annotation spiritless cliff.

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开水在壶里翻滚。The boiling water bubbled furiously in the kettle.

“别再说了!”首相狂暴地说。"You don't say! " said the Prime Minister furiously.

维多利亚追将出来,狠命捶打房门。Victoria followed, hammering furiously upon his door.

看到这穷凶极恶的狂暴,我愤怒地冲到他跟前。At this diabolical violence I rushed on him furiously.

龙骑兵军官和福克发疯似地鼓掌。The dragoon officers and foker clapped their hands furiously.

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龙骑兵军官和福克发疯似地鼓掌。The dragoon officers and foker clapped their hands furiously.

他气呼呼地测试着火花塞,眼睛盯着转换器。Furiously he tested the spark-plugs, stared at the commutator.

它一开始吃奶,尾巴就使劲地晃动。As soon as he started eating, his tail started wagging furiously.

一片快速激烈的马蹄声来到坡上。The sound of a horse at a gallop came fast and furiously up thehill.

有一天,我看见我的小弟弟阿塔尔在花园里发疯似的掘地。One day I saw my little brother Atal digging furiously in the garden.

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斯坦贝克愤怒地写,并说写作几乎毁了他。Steinbeck wrote furiously and said that the effort nearly destroyed him.

他把大块的生肉扔到滋滋响的油锅里。He dumped chunks of raw, pink meat into the oil, which sputtered furiously.

表演者性感地摆动双臂,同时奋力地踢踏着双脚。As the dancers swing their arms sensually, their legs kick and tap furiously.