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还要有一个酒保。Also a bartender too.

男侍把醉汉赶了出去。The bartender threw out the drunk.

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酒保给了他三杯酒。So the bartender gives him 3 drinks.

“晚上好”,他对调酒师说。"Good evening" he says to the bartender.

调酒师兼婚姻咨询师。Work as bartender and marriage counselor.

酒保为泰德的空杯倒满啤酒。Bartender thought you liked strong drinks.

每次他都给酒保优厚的小费。Each time he gave the bartender a good tip.

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他示意酒保再端上一杯酒。He signaled the bartender for another drink.

当酒吧侍者问“来点什么?”When the bartender asks, "What'll you have?"

酒保说,对你,不要钱。The bartender says, "for you, no charge." OK.

他向调酒师要一些阿司匹林药片。He asks the bartender for some aspirin tablets.

酒保看着他说,我认识你。The bartender looks at him and says I know you.

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你为什么会喜欢做酒保呢?How did you get interested in being a bartender?

对,她上次和酒保混上了。Yeah. She made out with the bartender last time.

酒保为泰德的空杯倒满啤酒。The bartender filled Ted’s empty glass with beer.

酒保是一个带着棒球棒的金发女人。The bartender is a blonde girl with a baseball bat.

一个调酒师应该知道做什么和怎么做。A bartender should know what to do and how to do it.

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布转你们孕没有酒笆招待的空缺?I am wondering if you have openings for a bartender?

酒保和几个大胆的人跟在他身后走了出去。Bartender and a few bold people who followed him out.

小二一直尽力做好事。The bartender kept doing all the good deeds he could.