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为什么他们要动员反对自己的福利呢?Why would they mobilise against their own welfare?

第二个共性就是动员的工具不同。The second commonality has been the tools used to mobilise dissent.

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当出事时,愈多的沟通就会提供越多途径调动资源,探索新方法。More interconnections provide more ways to mobilise resources and explore alternatives when things go wrong.

斯特里克尔博士尝试通过一些世界上最受尊崇的医学期刊动员医生们。Strecker attempted to mobilise the doctors through some of the most respected medical journals in the world.

利用互联网动员人们探访陈光诚一事给政府官员造成的恐慌远不仅限于山东省。The use of the internet to mobilise people to visit Mr Chen has rattled officials far beyond Shandongprovince.

支持者通过互联网组织起来探望陈光诚的行为,惹恼的不仅是山东省官员。The use of the internet to mobilise people to visit Mr Chen has rattled officials far beyond Shandong province.

但这个城市的亲巴博电视台呼吁人们动员反对它所谓的法国'“占领”。But the city's pro-Gbagbo TV station called for people to mobilise against what it called a French '"occupation".

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同时,警官们应做好调动富余警力应对骚乱的准备。上周。正是他们的部署最终平息了骚乱。Meanwhile police chiefs must be readier to mobilise the extra officers whose deployment finally quelled the trouble last week.

沿着整个边境,德国人一直在加强武装入侵的准备工作,而苏联军队甚至于还没有开始进行动员。All along the frontier, German preparations for invasion were intensifying, but Soviet forces had not yet even begun to mobilise.

但是他还说,只有政府和捐助机构动员起必要的资源,才会减轻未来世代的结核病负担。But, he adds, future generations will only be spared the burden of TB if governments and donors mobilise the necessary resources.

其目标是动员消费者集体行动起来,用他们的付费来抵制奴役和人口贩卖。The app aims to mobilise consumers to take collective action and vote with their dollars to prevent slavery and human trafficking.

国际母语日,我们要认识到母语的重要性并努力促进多语言使用和语言多样性。International Mother Language Day is a moment to recognize their importance and to mobilise for multilingualism and linguistic diversity.

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说到这,我们会有一个内部支撑架防止组织被拉长,但是它仍然允许你自信地活动你的关节。Here we have an internal brace which prevents the tissues from stretching but still allows you to mobilise the joint with some confidence.

他在任期间,下令没收所有南斯拉夫军方文件,将马其顿人从克罗地亚的战场上拯救了下来。It was he who ordered the seizure of Yugoslav army documents, which meant that the army could not mobilise Macedonians to fight in Croatia.

阿拉伯跳表明本拉登的信念是如何被这他曾经想要动员的亿万人给拒绝的。The Arab Spring demonstrated how Bin Laden's message had been rejected by those hundreds of millions he once sought to radicalise and mobilise.

他们命令市长调动支持者于5月17日在总统府外举行大型支持政府的示威。They ordered mayors to mobilise supporters for a large pro-government demonstration outside the presidential palace in Guatemala City on May 17th.

由印度能源和资源研究所领导的这一运动表明了动员工业参与促进发展的机遇。This campaign, led by The Energy and Resources Institute in India, illustrates the opportunities to mobilise industry participation for development.

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若真的出现这种情况,SPLA的士兵将很快发现自己没钱可拿,也就是说南部政府军的将领将很难再大举调动军队.In that event SPLA soldiers would quickly find themselves without pay, suggesting the south's generals would struggle to mobilise large numbers of troops.

全部非手术治疗患者在骨折后1年时均恢复至无痛状态,11名生存患者中的6人可在辅助行走器下进行活动。At 1 year, all non-operatively managed patients were able to transfer without pain and 6 of the 11 surviving patients were able to mobilise with walking aids.

在塔什干,同样的,上周的关灯抗议活动只是民主游击队对总统卡里莫夫发动的第一步挑战,打击民众的恐惧,让年轻人动员起来。In Tashkent, too, the lights-off action last week was a first tentative step by the democracy guerrillas to challenge Mr Karimov, fight the fear and mobilise the young.