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这个词用得不对。This word is wrongly used.

是因为我们妄求。It is because we ask wrongly.

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他一定是算错了。He must have calculated wrongly.

她把包裹上收件人的地址写错了。She addressed the parcel wrongly.

这封信地址写错了。The letter was wrongly addressed.

我认为,勺已被归咎于错误。I think TJ has been blame wrongly.

他误遭控诉犯偷窃罪。He was wrongly offender of stealing.

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谁都知道他受到诬告。Everyone knows he was wrongly accused.

莫非写错了?Could it be that it was written wrongly?

抱歉刚才报告不正当地写。Sorry just now that report write wrongly.

她犯了罪过,爱错了人。She committed the crime of loving wrongly.

暂停所有用户误将恢复正常运作。All users suspended wrongly will be unsuspended.

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为什么控制台。登录错误打印一个空数组吗?。Why does console. log wrongly print an empty array?

死者的遗体被富山殓房弄混,由另一家人错误火化。The man's body was wrongly cremated by another family.

这篇文章写的是一个被误抓入狱的人。This article concerns a man who was wrongly imprisoned.

请将拼错的词圈出来。Please circumscribe the words which are wrongly spelled.

如果使用不当,核能会成为毁灭性力量。If wrongly used, nuclear energy can be a destructive force.

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我们将保留错发的货物由你方处理。WE are holding the goods wrongly delivered at your disposal.

你们要为神说不义的话么?要为祂说诡诈的言语么?Will you speak wrongly for God And speak deceitfully for Him?

不要让我错误的把我自己放在自己的世界…而使它反对我…Let me not put myself wrongly to my world and set it aganist me.