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我们有几个非常爱闲聊的邻居。We've got very gossipy neighbours.

你可能想要知道的有趣的好东西。Gossipy good things you might want to know.

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我收到朋友的一封很长的长舌信。I got a long gossipy letter from my friend.

我不会任由一群长舌女子令你苦恼。I wouldn't let a bunch of gossipy girls make you miserable.

䕰娱乐圈的一些人很八卦。Some people in the entertainment business are very gossipy.

远离观点负面、吹求疵、武断挑剔、搬弄是非的人。Stay away from negative, critical , judgmental, gossipy people.

周旋在长舌的邻居和街道上发生的消失中间?Deal with the gossipy neighbors and trivial issues that happen on the street?

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十年前,博客多是由喜欢闲聊的青少年所写的网络日志。Ten years ago , blogs were mostly just online diaries written by gossipy teenagers. Today, they.

巴拉德有意逃避乐于流布传闻的伦敦文学圈,他喜欢与三两知己及家人在一起。Ballard shunned the gossipy London literary circuit, preferring the company of a few close friends and family.

用这个火箭发射器来为你阻挡尖叫的小孩、唠叨的老板或爱嚼舌根的同事吧!Protect your desk from screaming kids, nagging bosses or gossipy co-workers with this USB missile defense array!

难怪她变得唠叨、吵闹、嘀嘀咕咕、不可忍受,因此驱赶这个男人离开屋子。Small wonder if she becomes a nag, petty, quarrelsome, gossipy , unbearable, thus driving the man from the house.

“长舌男”是到处有的,不知为什么这名词尚不甚流行。Gossipy men, known as " long-tongued men", are found everywhere although the epithet is somehow none too popular yet.

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“长舌男”是到处有的,不知为什么这名词尚不甚流行。Gossipy men, known as "long-tongued" man", are found everywhere although the epithet is somehow none too popular yet.

确保你的谈话保密性,让这件事情远离那些闲言碎语,爱传留言的人们。Be sure to go out of your way to keep your talks confidential, away from gossipy boys and girls and far from the copycats.

把你的黑莓放到一边,不要再讨论你下个大的方案,也不要再讨论你的那些八卦同事。Put away your BlackBerry, stop talking about your next big proposal, and halt all conversations about your gossipy coworker.

没有千古奇谈的故事,没有茶余饭后的八卦趣闻,只有寂寞,尖锐的刺痛我的左心房,右心室。No eternal mystery story, not at one's leisure the gossipy tidbits, only the lonely, a sharp pain in my left atrium, right ventricle.

他在流畅、炽热、漫谈式的会话中将保守派逼入窘境,在波旁茶和雪茄烟中恢复平静,因浸入巴赫的旋律而中断。He fought his conservative corner in fluent, fervent, gossipy conversations, smoothed with bourbon and cigars and interrupted by immersion in Bach.

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这说明,在人生旅途中,由于我们想问题、办事情难以十全十美,加之有的人热衷于张家长李家短,因此,闲言难免。This shows that, in life, because we want to issue hard to do things perfect, plus some parents were eager to Zhang Li Short home, Gossipy Remarks inevitable.

尽管台湾媒体在去年年末时发表过一些有关二人的八卦报道,林却表示与韩只是好朋友。Although the Taiwanese media produced some gossipy articles late last year about a possible relationship between the two, Lin seems to think of Han as just a good friend.

接著科学家比较故事最后版本和最初版本,发现包含欺骗和不贞的八卦讯息最容易被记得。The scientists compared the final versions of the stories to the originals, finding that gossipy information, involving deception and infidelity, was easiest to remember.