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他们明目张胆地篡改马克思主义。They openly revised Marxism.

哲学课上,我被灌输马克思主义。I was inculcated with the Marxism.

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在中国,就是“马克思主义中国化”。In China, it is "Marxism sinicization".

马克思主义也许在理论上是顶好的。Marxism may be all very well in theory.

马克思主义相信物质是第一性的。Marxism believes in the primacy of matter.

马克思主义信仰是中国社会的主导信仰。Marxism faith is magistral faith of China.

马克思主义是游行者的基本信仰。Marxism is the basic belief of the marcher.

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列宁主义学说发展了马克思主义。The doctrine of Leninism has developed Marxism.

真正的马克思主义是“理论上的反人道主义”。Genuine Marxism is "an anti-humanism in theory".

无产阶级必须掌握马克思主义的真理。The proletariat must possess the truth of Marxism.

这些年在中国教马克思主义并不容易。It isn’t easy teaching Marxism in China these days.

于是,特权阶层将转变为修正主义集团。Both dogmatism and revisionism run counter to Marxism.

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您为什么认为毛主义是马克思主义的第三阶段?Why do you consider Maoism the third stage of Marxism?

物质利益观是马克思主义的一个重要观点。Material interest view is an important content of Marxism.

这也许是证明马克思主义光芒永耀的极好佐证之一。This perhaps is one of the best proofs supporting Marxism.

什么是马克思主义具有而其他政治理论没有的?What does Marxism have that no other politicaltheory does?

以人为本是马克思主义的一个基本原则。The people-centred concept is a basic principle of Marxism.

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本论文是关于青年卢卡奇马克思主义观的研究。This dissertation is a study about Lukacs's view of Marxism.

马克思主义经过150多年的发展,已进入一个新的发展阶段。Marxism has initialed a new phase after 150 years' development.

群众至上是马克思主义群众观的核心。The mass paramountcy is the core of the mass notion of Marxism.