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和平结束这件事。End this thing peaceably.

另一方面,沙鼠相配,相伴终生,相安无事地一起抚养崽子。Gerbils, on the other hand, mate for life and raise babies peaceably together.

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我们有权在这里和平集会,并将这些事实公诸于世。We have peaceably assembled here, as is our right, to let these facts be known.

资产阶级泰然自若地和工人们谈论着正在准备中的事。The bourgeois talked peaceably to the working-classes of what was in preparation.

人们需要懂得我们和平的与他们生活。Try to understand that people needs to be understood so we can live peaceably with them.

那城的长老都战战兢兢的出来迎接他,对他说,你是为平安来的么?And the elders of the city came trembling to meet him, and they said, Do you come peaceably ?

掌握领导权的人倘若不作为,后被他的同事们和平地选下去。Everyone in the Chicom leadership can be removed peaceably if he does not perform, by vote of his peers.

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是否可能排除在投票之外的阶层将拒绝和平地等待他们投票权的到来?Is it likely that the excluded classes would refuse to peaceably await the coming of their right to vote?

也不能肯定人种不同观点不同的人们能在困难时期能和平相处。nor be sure that men of diverse kinds and diverse views can live peaceably together in a time of troubles.

听到懿旨的那一瞬间,她有种另一只鞋子终于落了下来的轻松和平静。Hear a Yi aim of that for an instant, she has grew another shoes to finally fall down of easily peaceably quiet.

李上校给约翰.布朗写了一封信,要求他投降。Colonel Lee wrote a message to John Brown demanding his surrender. He did not think Brown would surrender peaceably.

我,在朋友的眼里,是一个亲切的好朋友,每天和平相处,所以,朋友叫我“小疙瘩”。I am a warm good friend in the friend's eyes, peaceably get along with everyday, so, the friend calls me "Small pimple".

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奥沃希先生犹豫了一会儿,随后,让孩子们散去,劝告他们要更加友好、和平地彼此相待。Mr. Allworthy hesitated a few moments, and then dismissed the boys, advising them to live more friendly and peaceably together.

哈及的儿子亚多尼雅去见所罗门的母亲拔示巴,拔示巴问他说,你来是为平安吗。回答说,是为平安。And Adonijah the son of Haggith came to Bathsheba the mother of Solomon. And she said, Comest thou peaceably? And he said, Peaceably.

全会众打发人到临门磐的便雅悯人那里,向他们说和睦的话。And the whole congregation sent some to speak to the children of Benjamin that were in the rock Rimmon, and to call peaceably unto them.

约瑟的哥哥们见父亲爱约瑟过于爱他们,就恨约瑟,不与他说和睦的话。And when his brethren saw that their father loved him more than all his brethren, they hated him, and could not speak peaceably unto him.

他们给盖恩斯维尔的所有教会打电话,说我们能采取什么行动来阻止焚烧行动,像兄弟姐妹一样更加和平相处。They are calling any church in Gainesville, and saying what can we do to stop this act and live together more peaceably as brothers and sisters," he said.

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多边合作机制作为国际合作的具体形式,是和平解决朝核危机的主要基石。As the concrete form of international cooperation, the multilateral cooperation mechanism is the main sill of the nuclear crisis of North Korea solving peaceably.

这里有着不断增加的跨种族的友谊,甚至是你们认为是捕猎者的动物都在开始以和平方式表达,只要不处于极端饥饿的状态。There are increasing instances of cross-species friendship, and even animals you consider predator and prey are starting to meet peaceably when extreme hunger isn't in the picture.

美国宪法第一修正案保障人民宗教信仰自由、言论自由、新闻出版自由、人民和平集会以及向政府诉冤请愿的权利。The first amendment guarantees freedom of religion, freedom of speech, freedom of press, and the right to peaceably assemble and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.