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他剪指甲剪了指甲下的肉。He cut the fingernail to the quick.

我有你需要的指甲钳。I have the fingernail clippers you want.

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涂层必须达到手指甲的硬度。The coating must reach fingernail hardness.

小孩子手指甲长白花是什么原因?。What reason is dot fingernail grows Bai Hua?

手指甲根部的白色部份叫做新月?The white part of your fingernail is called the lunula.

蒋女士不发一语,用尖锐的指甲在她的脖子前比了一比。Chiang silently drew a sharp fingernail across her neck.

大约150天的时间就可以长一个完整的指甲出来。It takes about 150 days to grow out a full length fingernail.

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指甲表面出现条条不光滑是欠那些维生素呢?Does fingernail surface appear be to owe those vitamins glossily?

这些海洋中的塑料都是和手指一样大小或者更小的碎片。Most ofthese items are the size of fingernail clippings or smaller.

甲周皮围绕手指甲或脚指甲的表面组织边缘。The border of epidermal tissue surrounding a fingernail or toenail.

随后她用长长的指甲指向样子挺奇怪的陆地。Then she pointed with a long fingernail to an odd-shaped continent.

手指甲旁边那块裂开了是缺少什么维生素还是什么啊?What vitamin or what is that split to lack on the side of fingernail?

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手指甲或脚指甲从根部长到指尖约需6个月。A fingernail or toenail takes about 6 months to grow from base to tip.

甲沟炎不切指甲还有别的治疗方法吗?Doesn't paronychia cut fingernail to still have other treatment method?

甲真菌病手指甲或脚趾甲从指甲床分离或松脱。The separation or loosening of a fingernail or toenail from its nail bed.

指甲感染可能会导致心理,社会,或与就业有关的问题。Fingernail infection may cause psychological, social, or employment-related problems.

指甲油是有毒的,但是少量的无关紧要。Fingernail polish is toxic if consumed, but the tiny amount you wipe on them won't hurt you.

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手指甲比脚趾的指甲长的快,同时中指是之中长得最快的。Fingernails grow faster than toenails and your middle fingernail is the quickest one to grow.

齐白露加酒磨砂瓶上的封蜡咔哒一声被手指甲上的拔子启开。The seal on the frosted bottle of Zubrowka was broken with a click—of plectrum on fingernail.

然后,每个手指滚动在从指甲盖的一边的准备的卡片上对其他的。Then, each finger is rolled onto prepared cards from one side of the fingernail to the other.