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最终,我们的友谊依然没有改变。Our friendship above all, remains unaltered.

在碰撞之后,保龄球继续不受影响。After the collision, the bowling ball continues unaltered.

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如果环境没有改变,类似的问题将重复发生。If the environment is unaltered similar problems will reoccur.

数据的完整性是指数据的状态不被改变。The integrity of the data refers to the unaltered state of the data.

除了费用,他将获得一个不作任何改造的克隆体。In addition to his fee, he would be awarded an unaltered clone of himself.

举例来说,人类的本性和人类的性格千年以来没有变化。For instance, one thing that's been unaltered for millennia is human nature and human character.

本堂会接受不更改的奥斯堡信条是福音的真实见证。C2.05 This congregation accepts the Unaltered Augsburg Confession as a true witness to the Gospel.

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第十二款、保存文件的所有恒常章节,于其文字以及标题皆不得变更。L. Preserve all the Invariant Sections of the Document, unaltered in their text and in their titles.

消费极速上涨的不正常趋势,过去几年很明显,仍保持不变。The undesirable trend towards a rapid rise in consumption, evident in previous years, remained unaltered.

经过对数千薄片的研究发现了少数未变化的铁镁和硫化物矿的实例。Examinations of several thousand thin sections revealed a few examples of unaltered ferromagnesian and sulfide minerals.

在这些地方,当局可憎的阵容,几十年来就一直没有发生过变化,但这,也没有引发反对它们的群众的起义。The odious cast of the regimes in place has persisted unaltered for decades, without triggering mass revolts against them.

在今日公布民间就业数据令人放心后,对周五官方就业市场数据将稳健的预期保持了市场积极的人气.Unaltered expectations for a healthy number on Friday's labor market data, following a reassuring figure on private payrolls, kept sentiment up.

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印方忆及印度是最早承认只有一个中国的国家之一,其一个中国的政策没有改变。The Indian side recalled that India was among the first countries to recognize that there is one China and its one China policy remains unaltered.

上述变形了的图片可能像是进入另一维世界的一个空洞,但实际上它是由俄罗斯导弹发射失败所造成的。The above unaltered image may like a wormhole to another dimension, but it was actually caused by a Russian missile that failed just after launch.

其中,缘起法是不变的“理”,企业管理则是可变的“机”。Hereinto, the Law of Dependent Origination presents unaltered"Buddhism spirit", and the corporate management comprises a changeable"Social changes".

不同蚀变与矿化岩石的稀土含量和配分模式与未蚀变泥质灰岩基本一致。The REE content and chondrite nomalized patterns of the altered and mineralized rocks are largely consistent with those of the unaltered host rocks.

印方忆及印度是最早承认一个中国的国家之一,其一个中国的政策没有改变。The Indian side recalls that India was among the first countries to recognize that there is one China and that its one China policy has remained unaltered.

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艾登城堡坐落在与世隔绝的林地,是一座保留完好的13世纪英国庄园别墅。Standing in a secluded woodland setting this English Heritage property is one of the finest and most unaltered examples of a 13th-century English manor house.

当这些科学家们将果糖喂食给没有这种基因的小鼠或不吃含盐食物的动物时,这些动物的血压没有变化。When these researchers fed fructose to mice without the functioning gene or to animals eating a salt-free diet, the animals’ blood pressure remained unaltered.

在旁通模式中,输入信号直接到输出,旁通于166XL的处理和控制,呈现出毫无改变的输入信号在输出端。In Bypass mode, the input is sent directly to the output, bypassing the 166XL's processing and controls and presenting unaltered input signal at the 166XL's OUTPUT.