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把笛子吹起!Sound the Flute!

你听起来病恹恹的!You sound so sick!

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风传播声音。Wind carries sound.

先探探他的口风。Sound him out first.

那喝彩声真是太棒了。The sound was great.

没有一点声息。Not a sound is heard.

它们听起来很不协调They sound dissonant.

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你以为有我没听过的话,有我没见过的景,有我不解的韵?A sound I do not know?

一点音响也听不到。Not a sound was heard.

你听起来就像我老爸。You sound like my dad.

你说话挺象我妈妈。You sound like my mum.

多区域音响系统?Multiroom sound system?

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听不见响儿了。No more sound is heard.

这个声音吓倒了她。The sound startled her.

听起来会不会过时啊?Does it sound out-dated?

这是凝固一切的声响。It's a petrifying sound.

让我叩诊你的肺部。Let me sound your lungs.

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什么声音也逃不出他的耳朵。Not a sound escaped him.

听起来够不够决绝?Sound passionate enough?

巨大的响声震耳欲聋。The sound was deafening.