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农学家建议在干涸的河床上种水稻。The agronomist suggested growing rice on the dried river bed.

人们公认农学家威廉·F·格里克在1929年首创现代水培法。Agronomist William F. Gericke is credited with developing modern hydroponics in 1929.

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周六,我请教了邻村管理桔园的农艺师。Saturday, I asked a neighboring village management of citrus orchard of the agronomist.

中心技术实力雄厚,有各类技术人员十六名,其中五名高级农艺师。Center strength, with all kinds of technical personnel 16, including five senior agronomist.

袁隆平是世界著名的农学家,被誉为“杂交水稻之父”。Yuan Longping is a world-famous agronomist with the reputation of "the Father of Hybrid Rice".

这位教授是一位农学家,他与当地的农民们会面,讨论农业科学的进步问题。The professor was an agronomist and he met with local farmers to discuss advances in agricultural science.

武汉市蔬菜科学研究所栽培与采后研究室主任,高级农艺师。Director of Culture and Postharvest Research Division of Wuhan Vegetable Research Institute, senior agronomist.

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现有职工208人,其中专业技术人员38人,高级农艺师、农艺师、助理农艺师32人。Existing staff 208 people, professionals 38 people, senior agronomist, agronomist, assistant agronomist 32 people.

如果我们假定要开发阿富汗的农业,那么战争结束的第二天,农学家就会出现在那里。If we say we're going to work on agriculture in Afghanistan, the agronomist is there the next day after the fighting stops.

这片庄稼长得不好据一名农学家看一方面是由于品种,另一方面是由于追肥不匀。The crop did not grow well what with species and what with non-uniform top application of fertilizer, according to an agronomist.

是否请当地的农学家对果岭进行过果岭问题原因的鉴定?Has your regional Green Section agronomist been asked to examine the greens and help identify and document the problems causing their failure?

而博洛格,现年93岁,一个农学家,把一辈子的时间都花在了实验室里和非营利组织中,极少走上媒体,也就压根没走进过我们的视线。And Borlaug, now 93, is an agronomist who has spent his life in labs and nonprofits, seldom walking onto the media stage, and hence into our consciousness, at all.

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“通过那些流行的科技,我们可以将撒哈拉以南非洲的的产量提高三倍”肯尼迪·卡斯曼说,他是一位研究潜在产量的颇受尊重的农艺师。“We could increase yields in sub-Saharan Africa threefold tomorrow with off-the-shelf technology, ” says Kenneth Cassman, a well-regarded agronomist who researches potential yields.

23日,法国政府授予袁隆平法兰西共和国农业成就勋章,以表彰其研发杂交水稻对世界粮食安全做出的重要贡献。Chinese agronomist Yuan Longping, known as the "father of hybrid rice," was awarded a medal from the French government Tuesday in recognition of his contribution to world food safety.

迪温和农学家詹姆斯•迈克莫垂两年前已发现了这方面的证据,他们的一项研究表明,自然产生的土壤微生物对豆杆的降解速度快于其它方式。Devine and agronomist James McMurtrey found evidence for this two years ago, in a study showing that naturally occurring soil microbes degraded some soybean stalks more rapidly than others.

高级农艺师,曾任武汉市蔬菜科学研究所良繁研究室负责人,现任武汉市蔬菜所新品种展示中心主任。Senior agronomist. Former Director of Vegetable Seed Propagation Research Division of Wuhan Vegetable Research Institute, now Director of Wuhan Center for Demonstration of Vegetable Cultivars.

“这种食品大概是你能找到的最完美的人类膳食品”,三年前把这种食品引入到美国的61岁的前科罗拉多州农学家杜安.约翰逊说。"This food is about the most perfect you can find for human diets, " said Duane Johnson, a 61-year-old former Colorado State agronomist who helped introduce it to the United States three decades ago.