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他被那个妖妇迷住了。He is enamoured by that enchantress.

一个可恶的女巫把我变成了一只青蛙。A foul enchantress turned me into a frog.

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愚蠢的王子!"Foolish prince!" cried the angry enchantress.

他最有名的创作,就是一个女魅。Lolita, his most famous creation, is an enchantress.

蓝百合没有蓝妖姬的媚,可是她赢得了你的心。Blue Lily no blue Enchantress of Mei, but she had won.

女佣人看见一条蛇女所以大家认为灵儿被抓。A maidservant saw a snake enchantress so they believed that Zhao was taken by it.

一只来自白色痛苦之河的凤凰,遥远传说里的人与渐渐失去了原本的魅力。The Phoenix of white Agony Creek Enchantress , A mermaid in a tale as old as time.

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例如,女巫可以学习创造幻象来吸引敌人的注意。For example, the Enchantress can learn to create illusions to draw enemy fire away.

莴苣姑娘立刻垂下她的发辫,女巫顺着它爬了上去。Then Rapunzel let down the braids of her hair, and the enchantress climbed up to her.

女巫则是主要为远程输出,也可以扮演辅助的角色。The Enchantress tends to be focused on ranged DPS but can also be specced into a player enhancement role.

这位“西班牙女巫”1974年出生在马德里一个鼓励孩子学习艺术的家庭。The Spanish Enchantress" was born in Madrid in 1974 to a family that encouraged their children to study the Arts."

玫瑰公主被女巫关进树林中偏僻的水晶宫殿里。The enchantress had shut Princess Rosebud up in a palace of crystal, and had hidden this palace in a remote corner of the woods.

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她,一个游走于色彩中的精灵,一个会用画笔施咒的魔女,一个忠于自己灵魂的画家。A fairy roaming in colors, an enchantress able to cast her spell with a painting brush, an artist loyal to her own soul, she is Gulistan.

被宠坏的王子让一个老乞丐滚蛋之后,他被变成了一只野兽,原来这个乞丐是个女巫。After a spoiled prince pretty much tells an old beggar woman to fuck off, he is transformed into a beast, as it turns out the beggar is an enchantress.

从前有位国王,犯了个倒霉的错误——拿森林里女巫的大鼻子开玩笑。Once a king made the unfortunate mistake of joking about the large nose of an enchantress who lived in the forest. Instantly the enchantress appeared before the King.

孩子十二岁那年,女巫把她关进了一座高塔。这座高塔在森林里,既没有楼梯也没有门,只是在塔顶上有一个小小的窗户。When she was twelve years old, the enchantress shut her into a tower, which lay in a forest, and had neither stairs nor door, but quite at the top was a little window.

妻子刚刚生下孩子,女巫就来了,给孩子取了个名字叫“莴苣”,然后就把孩子带走了。The man in his terror consented to everything, and when the woman was brought to bed, the enchantress appeared at once, gave the child the name of Rapunzel, and took it away with her.