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现在我们来看看,作为总统的主管你是怎么工作的。Let's look at how you work as the president's gatekeeper.

尼尼伯,群星诸神之守门人,汝之门为吾而开!NINIB, Gatekeeper of the Astral Gods, Open Thy Gate to me!

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现在我们宣布要挣脱“守门人”的专制。We are now declared free from the tyranny of The Gatekeeper.

有些人认为白宫办公厅主任,和总统平起平坐,或者是总统的管家。Some consider the WHCS as co-president or president's gatekeeper.

教师作为信息传播者,承担着“把关人”的作用。Teachers as disseminators of information, take a "gatekeeper" role.

雇有一个高素质的看门人协助其屏蔽掉不必要的信息。Have a very highly skilled gatekeeper to keep you from reaching her.

店方提醒我将摩托车放在离商店更远一点处。The gatekeeper warned me to put the motorbike farther from the shop.

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网守的容量有注册容量和呼叫容量。Gatekeeper capacity includes registration capacity and call capacity.

设计了一种分层式可扩展的网守系统的管理模型。A model of the hierarchical and scalable gatekeeper system is designed.

当他走近时,他听到车夫在和守卡人争吵。As he came closer he could hear the driver arguing with the gatekeeper.

如果脑部对感觉讯息有个守门人,则非海马回莫属。If the brain has a gatekeeper of sensory information, the hippocampus is it.

是的,你可以成为一名守门人,其他人将追随你的脚步。And yes, you can act as a gatekeeper. For some of you, that will be your role.

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她用甜言蜜语哄得看门人让她进了戏院的门。She blandished the gatekeeper into letting her through the gate of the theatre.

他进旅店时有一种幻觉,认为看门人是一个侦探。He had an illusion when he entered the hotel that the gatekeeper was a detective.

“赶紧出去,你这个侏儒,别让我染上你的感冒!”门卫低声咆哮着。"G’wan, midget, get out of here before I catch your cold!" the gatekeeper growled.

读者一直在迁徙,这种迁徙也孕育了一个新的看门人。The audience has moved elsewhere, and this emigration has birthed a new gatekeeper.

直接调控细胞增殖的肿瘤抑制基因。Gatekeeper genes --- Tumor-suppressor genes that directly regulate cell proliferation.

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米施利米雅的儿子撒迦利雅是看守会幕之门的。Zechariah son of Meshelemiah was the gatekeeper at the entrance to the Tent of Meeting.

请求节点就会连接网守以分析他们请求的目的节点的当前地址。Callers contact then the Gatekeeper to resolve the current location of their target peer.

除了对地址进行翻译,网守会提供允许和带宽控制。Apart from address translation, a Gatekeeper provides for admission and bandwidth control.