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我在兰辛长大,毕业于兰辛高中。I grew up in Lansing, KS and graduated from Lansing High School.

安阿伯,巴特克里市,弗林特和兰辛所有地区有较小的下跌。Ann Arbor, Battle Creek, Flint and Lansing all saw smaller drops.

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现在它已经发展成为密歇根州立大学位于密歇根州的东兰辛市。It grew into what is now Michigan State University in East Lansing.

这所学校发展成为如今位于东兰辛的密歇根州大学。The college grew into what is now Michigan State University in East Lansing.

这位美国东兰辛格的女士,是全美国上千位庆祝「不消费日」的成员之一。The East Lansing woman is one of thousands of people across the country celebrating Buy Nothing Day.

至少周围的3学校被关闭,因为老师们都在兰辛作为其中的成员。At least 3 schools around the state were closed, because teachers went to Lansing to be part of this.

释放出一个活生生的摇滚力量和轧辊与奥特蓝星舞台扬声器击音乐会。Unleash the power of a live rock and roll concert with the Altec Lansing Stage-Gig amplified speaker.

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昨天东兰辛的温度一下子降了好多,我在风中简直是冷得发抖了。The temperature in East Lansing suddenly dropped a lot yesterday. I was literally shuddering in the winds.

接下来的第三步就是去位于东兰辛的社会保险号申请处申领我的社会保障号码。Then, the third step will be going to the E. Lansing Social Security Number Application Agency to get my SSN number.

兰辛说伊洛娃的释放是“阿塞拜疆人民积极发展的结果,是新闻业自由的进步”。Lansing said her release was a "positive development for the people of Azerbaijan and a step forward for press freedom."

美国密歇根州中南部城市,位于兰辛市以南的格兰德河边。是一个工业、商业中心。人口37,44。A city of south-central Michigan on the Grand River south of Lansing. It is an industrial and commercial center. Population, 37,44'.

美国密西根州中南部城市,位于兰兴市以南的格兰德河边。是一个工业、商业中心。人口37,446。A city of south-central Michigan on the Grand River south of Lansing. It is an industrial and commercial center. Population, 37,446.

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杰克逊美国密西根州中南部城市,位于兰兴市以南的格兰德河边。是一个工业、商业中心。人口37,446。A city of south-central Michigan on the Grand River south of Lansing. It is an industrial and commercial center. Population, 37, 446.

今天,整个东兰辛似乎苏醒了,街上和附近餐馆到处可见行驶的车辆和行走的路人。The whole East Lansing city seemed to relive today. Cars and pedestrians were to be seen on the streets and in the nearby restaurants.

利用一元J函数,多元J函数分析了兰辛森林数据,获得了许多有价值的结果。Valuable results are obtained in this paper through the analysis of Lansing woods data with the application of J function and Jij function.

希拉里和我提前一天与我们的辩论班子来到伊普西兰蒂,为在东兰辛的密歇根州立大学举行的最后一场辩论做准备。Hillary and I went into Ypsilanti with our crew a day early to prepare for the last debate on the campus of the Michigan State University in East Lansing.

密歇根州一名警察57岁的母亲玛格丽特-安-托马斯-欧文最近被控抢劫银行。The mother of a Michigan policeman has been accused of robbing two banks. Margaret Ann Thomas-Irving, 57, demanded money from staff at the banks in Lansing a week ago, prosecutors claim.

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凭借精湛的技术和优质的产品质量,亚特蓝斯与计算机OEM厂商、分销商、零售商保持了长期广泛的合作,赢得了广阔的市场份额,成为音响行业的全球领先者。Altec Lansing is the market-share leader in the PC speaker system category providing high performance multimedia products for the computer OEM, reseller, distributor and retail marketplace.