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振兴汉派文化,战略思考必不可少。To vitalize Wuhan-style culture, strategic consideration is indispensable.

希望透过〈全人〉能全面活化马来西亚的乡村福音事工。Her ambition is to vitalize the gospel ministry of rural villages in Malaysia.

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老工业基地振兴需要效益审计先行。Priority should be given to efficiency audit to vitalize old industrial bases.

否则,改革难以深入发展,地勘单位的生机与活力将成为空话。Otherwise, to deepen the reform and vitalize the prospecting would be only idle talk.

我国运动员的加入必定会为世界体育运动的国际化发展注入新的活力。The internationalization of the Chinese athletes will vitalize the current world sports development.

为发展和振兴中国染发剂工业本文提供了最新的动态和信息。To develop and vitalize the Chinese hair coloration industry, it provides the newest trends and information.

新德里说,本次行程是缅甸民选政府就任以来首次对该国访问,也是改善两国关系的机会。New Delhi says the trip, the first since a civilian government took office, is an opportunity to "further vitalize" the relationship.

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第七条国家依靠科学技术进步和发展教育振兴农业。Article 7 The State shall vitalize agriculture by relying on the progress of science and technology and on the development of education.

提出振兴广西体育、建设体育强省,可持续发展的五大基本战略。Five basic strategies for the sustainable development are put forward in order to vitalize Guangxi sports and build a stronger sports province.

加大对人口较少民族的扶持力度,推进兴边富民行动。We will give more aid to ethnic groups with small populations and continue working to vitalize border areas and enrich the people living there.

国有企业的资本运营目前最大的任务就是盘活存量资本,优化资本结构。At present, is it reform state-owned enterprise to face, the heaviest task of capital operation to vitalize stock advantage, optimize the structure of capital.

李克强总理与北京、天津、河北及山东等地的负责人举行会谈时,再次重申了深化改革、激发市场和经济活力的重要性。When talking with leaders of Beijing, Tianjin, Hebei and Shandong provinces, Li Keqiang reiterated the importance of reform to vitalize the market and economy.

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这为以新闻传媒形式开启民智,唤起回族人民爱国兴教提供了组织准备。The two Forces prepared an organization for educating the people and arousing the Hui people to love the country and vitalize their religion through journalism.

对如何振兴航空、动力先行,把我国航空发动机搞上去,走自主创新的发展道路提出了建议。Also, suggestions to vitalize China aviation industry with putting propulsion in the first place in a manner of "creating and acting on our own " is put forward.

你可以通过意愿的力量激发这个想象,所以它能够活起来,变为力量的运载者,并且能够投射它的振动到致密水平。You can vitalize this image through the Power of Will so that it can live, become a carrier of the Force and be able to project its vibrations into the dense plane.

黑龙江国有大中型企业要抓住这一良好的机遇,解放思想,深化改革,实现黑龙江老工业基地的振兴。The big-middle scale business of Heilongjiang must take the good opportunity to liberate thought and deepen reformation and vitalize Hei-longjiang old industry base.

我国“科教兴国”战略确立与实施迫切需要我国高等教育加速大众化进程。The establishment and implementation of our national strategy "Science and education can vitalize the nation" has quickened the steps to develop the higher education.

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工业结构调整是一个动态的优化过程,基目的是竞争能力的提高,增量投入和存量调整必须同时进行。The adjustment of industry structure is a dynamic optimum process to improve competitive capacity, increase investment and vitalize current capital stake simultaneously.

采用独特的按摩手法,结合穴位指压以及推脂动作,放松紧绷的肌肉,使人精神焕发,减肥收紧的效果。The application of unique massage technique, together with digital pressure and fat press, can relax the tightened muscles, vitalize the spirit, and help to reshape the body.

我们要借鉴俄罗斯在金融市场化进程中的经验及教训,加快东北地区金融市场化改革的进程,以实现经济的振兴。This article draws experience and lesson from Russian marketed-finance process and proposes marketed-finance reform plan of northeast region in order to vitalize our economy.