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这是个辣手得问题!That is a touchy issue!

我不明白你为什么这么敏感。I do not see why you are so touchy.

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凌虐小孩是一个敏感的话题。Child molestation is a touchy subject.

你也太小心眼儿了,为这点儿事还生气。You are a bit too touchy to get angry about such a small thing.

他是在把体温计插入你屁屁之前说的这话吗???????????。Does he say that before he sticks his thermometer in your touchy?

白领兼职族同雇主之间会有一些敏感的问题。White-collar moonlighters face some touchy issues with employers.

他对于北爱尔兰共和主义和乌尔斯特问题特别敏感。He was particularly touchy about irish republicanism and the ulster question.

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现在,我们要远离这个,因为这是一个非常敏感的问题。Right now, we want to stay away from that because it’s a very touchy subject.

有时,它是个很棘手的问题,尤其是当它不太充裕时。It can be an extremely touchy subject, especially when there's not enough of it.

第60分钟,孙祥传中,但是亚塔奇队解围。The 60th minute, in Sun Xiang biography, but the Asian Touchy team breaks through.

不过,格罗斯说,锣鼓帐篷当时引起争议,包括其他参展方。But Groce said that the drum tent had been a touchy area even for other exhibitors.

2000年,敏感的重金属乐队Metallica和其它乐队将该公司告上了法庭。Napster was the subject of lawsuits in 2000 by touchy metal band Metallica and others.

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另一方面,我们有实用主义者、敏感的、热心的、温柔的工程类型。On the other hand, we have the pragmatic, touchy feely, warm and fuzzy engineering types.

这是一个难以解决的问题,它关系到法美两国的关系。This is a touchy issue that comes during a delicate juncture in Franco-American relations.

加斯东这个简单的反应,说明我的敏感有多么可笑。This straightforward observation of Gaston's showed me how ridiculously touchy I was being.

我很暴躁,有点顽固,身上有许多卡拉布里亚人的缺点,我本性就很暴躁。I am touchy and have a hard head, all the defects of the Calabrians and I have fiery nature.

陈先生不想处理这件敏感问题,以免伤害自己。Mr. Chen does not want to handle this touchy issue be-cause he tries not to burn his fingers.

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美国的自我定位是否合适今天紧张而暴躁的世界,我们尚需探讨。Whether American self-assertiveness fits into today's crammed and touchy world can be debated.

污泥膨胀问题一直是废水生物法处理过程中的难题之一。Sludge bulking is always a touchy problem during the process of biologically treating waste water.

不用这个深入钻研这些惹火的问题,也仍然存在一个很大的精神上的问题——我该如何表达。Not to delve into touchy issues, but there's still a large -- how shall I put it -- spiritual question.