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我敢说不怎么样。I bet not.

我猜你不能。I bet you cant.

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他赌输了。He lost the bet.

他赌马赢了钱。He wins the bet.

我打赌,你会的。You will, I bet.

我下了超过他的赌注。I doubled his bet.

但美国赌输了。The U.S. bet wrong.

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可是,他们赌输了。They lost that bet.

我打赌你当时很逗人喜爱。I bet you were cute.

哈斯把赌注下在霍顿一方。Haas bet with Horton.

他把赌注下在那匹马上。He bet on that horse.

这件事你能干吗?当然行!Can you do it? You bet.

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我敢断我们的队能获胜。I bet our team wil win.

我敢判断我们队准能获胜。I bet our team will win.

要赌,就下小赌注。When you bet, bet small.

下注,六百万,全押。Bet. Six million. All in.

我猜他在床上肯定很欢乐。Bet he's a joy in bed eh.

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我提出与他打赌。I offered to bet with him.

我敢说我会快活得像活神仙。I bet I'll have a gay time.

我与你打赌一百元。I bet you one hundred yuan.