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然而许多改革的结果都要花上很久才能见到,这的确令人气恼。Yet many reforms take agonisingly long to appear.

在与冠军联赛荣耀擦肩而过后,拉法本内特斯承认利物浦自毁前程。RAFA BENITEZ admitted Liverpool cut their own throats as his bid for Champs League glory fell agonisingly short.

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在与冠军联赛荣耀擦肩而过后,拉法本内特斯承认利物浦自毁前程。RAFA BENITEZ admitted Liverpool cut their own throats as his bid for Champions League glory fell agonisingly short.

在利物浦队锋线缺乏精英的困境下,这位世界上最好的前锋已经做的足够多了。The world's best centre-forward is doing pretty much that in a Liverpool squad agonisingly short of elite strikers.

这是一次心跳加速,神经纠结的游戏体验,并且和其它运动类游戏一样,它令人烦恼的接近完美。This is a heart-thumping, nerve-jangling gaming experience and, as a sports game, is agonisingly close to perfection.

对于将要离开俄罗斯我不无惆怅,但是我还没有弄清楚上船的码头在哪里,开船是什么时间。I was agonisingly close to leaving Russia but I had no idea where I should check in, or what time the ship would depart.

他慢吞吞地填完了转账委托表,接着又掏出一份长长的表格,问我是否介意提供一些反馈。Agonisingly slowly, he filled in the standing order forms and, when he was done, he fished out another set of much longer ones.

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当迈克尔苦恼地在限速的维修通道中行驶时,布朗看到哈基宁通过,迈克尔最终取得领先。As Michael travelled agonisingly slow down the pit lane, Brawn watched for Hakkinen to come from the chicane and seize the lead.

对于大部分缅甸2000多名政治犯的家属来说,这周,希望仍遥不可及,这令他们愤怒。For the families of most of the 2,000 or so political prisoners in the country, optimism this week proved agonisingly out of reach.

在那之后的比赛剩余的3分钟里,弗里德尔又一次拒绝了迪福的射门。克劳奇的脚后跟射门也稍稍偏出。That was with three minutes left and there was still time for Friedel to save from Defoe again and Peter Crouch's backheel attempt to go agonisingly wide.

塞内加尔射手半场结束前有一个折射球偏出,之后卡梅隆。斯图尔特的弧线球也击中了博尔顿的门柱内侧。The Senegalese striker had one effort deflected wide before the break, before Cameron Stewart curled an effort agonisingly against the inside of the Bolton post.

曼联继续进攻寻求胜利。马丁几乎就把玛格努斯。艾克莱姆的传中在最后一秒钟打进球门。United continued to rampage forward in search of a winner, and Martin was agonisingly close to turning in Magnus Eikrem's cross in the final minute of stoppage time.

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在逃离盯防他的人的注意之后,杰拉德接到加雷斯·巴里的任意球起脚射门,可惜苦恼的是他如此近距离的射门打在了边网上。After escaping the attention of his marker, Gerrard set himself to volley Gareth Barry's free-kick but watch agonisingly as his close range effort ruffled the side-netting.

阿历克斯·麦柯利什的球队极其不幸的失去了晋级2008年欧锦赛正赛的机会,苏格兰上一次在大赛中出现还要追溯到1998年的法国世界杯。Alex McLeish's side agonisingly missed out on qualifying for the Euro 2008 finals, and Scotland's last appearance at a major summer tournament came at the 1998 World Cup in France.

然而,切尔西在经过一个赛季最终英超排名第二,并在欧冠决赛点球败给曼联之后,他还是改变了主意。However, he changed his mind at the end of the campaign after Chelsea came second in the Premier League and agonisingly lost the UEFA Champions League final to Manchester United on penalties.