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这就是为什么整个家族知道奈提莉已经找到了你。That's how the clan knew Zuleika had found you.

杰克和奈提莉听到有尖叫声穿过树林。Josh and Zuleika hear the scream through the trees.

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奈提莉在一块小的林中空地的边上浮出水面。Zuleika emerges from the water at the edge of a small glade.

他们在森林里找到了我们,说Neytiri发现了你。They came to us in the forest and told us Zuleika had found you.

奈提莉抓住杰克的手,把他拉到舞者中间。Zuleika grabs Josh's hand and pulls him into the circle of dancers.

Neytiri在燃烧的村庄废墟中找到了父亲的遗体。In the burning wreckage of the village Zuleika finds her father's body.

Neytiri和另外三名Na'vi人被关在笼子里由守卫严密监视着。Zuleika and three other Na'vi are held in a chainlink cage, under guard.

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在森林,奈提莉领着杰克走过一条月光下的道路,宴会的喧闹声音越来越遥远。IN THE FOREST Zuleika leads Josh along a moonlit path. The sound of the festival is distant.

几个在圆圈外看着他们的女孩子正咯咯地笑着,聊着关于他们俩的闲话。A couple of the young girls watching from outside the circle are giggling and talking about Josh and Zuleika.

Neytiri领着他跳上一段倒伏的树干,很快Jake就发现他们已经在离地30米多高的树枝上奔跑。Zuleika takes him up a fallen trunk, and soon they are running along branches that are 30 meters above the ground. Josh can't think.

奈提莉在一棵倒下的树干下奔跑,一架武装直升机冒火的加能炮射向她,在周遭丛林的爆炸中,她潜入一个池塘。Zuleika runs along beneath a fallen treetrunk while a gunship tries to hit her with its cannon. It fires rockets and she dives into a pond as the jungle explodes.

它倒在地上,扭曲着,就像一条蛇——奈提莉准备扑向他——夸里奇举起了加特林机枪——怪兽向他发起了进攻——砰,砰,砰!It lands, twisting back on itself almost like a snake-- Zuleika gathers for a leap as-- Quaritch raises the gatling gun and-- The manticore launches at him and-- P-P-P-POOM!!