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吉林省方明装饰有限公司。Jilin Fangming Decoration Co. , Ltd.

我来自中国吉林省延吉市。I from yanji city Jilin province China.

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基地位于吉林省抚松县。Fusong base is located in Jilin Province.

吉林省是中国主要的商品粮生产基地。Jilin is also China's key commodity grain base.

我的家乡在吉林市,是一座历史悠久的城市。My hometown is in jilin city, is a historic city.

吉林靖宇核电厂于1986年开始筹建。Jingyu, Jilin nuclear power plant, started in 1986.

吉林大学出版社版权所有。Copywrite Jilin Univercity Press. All right reserved.

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东部地区为林木种植适宜区。The East Jilin was a suitable region for arbor planting.

2009年9月份张冬冬被吉林警方列为网上逃犯。In 2009 9 Zhang Dongdong was listed as the Jilin police net.

刘于1925年出生于中国东北部的吉林省。Liu was born in 1925 in Jilin Province, in China's northeast.

昨天奥运火炬在吉林长春传递。Yesterday, the Olympic torch in Changchun, Jilin transmission.

她和我的大儿是吉林大学法律系的同学。She and my old son are Jilin university law tied the classmate.

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吉林哪家医院治疗男性病比较好?Which Jilin family hospital cures andropathy comparatively well?

吉林话属于北方方言区。Dialect from JiLin province belongs to the northern dialect area.

你好,我是来自中国吉林省长春市的女孩,22岁。Hi, I am a girl in Changchun, Jilin province, China. 22years old.

李玉刚出生在中国北方吉林省的一个农村里。Li Yugang was born in a village in Jilin province in North China.

从7月25日到27日,温总理在吉林省做一个视察。Wen made an inspection tour in Jilin Province from July 25 to 27.

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除北京外,代表团还将赴吉林省参观访问。Apart from Beijing, his delegation will also visit Jilin Province.

学校坐落在风景迷人的雾凇之都、中国魅力城市——吉林市。It is situated in the Rime Metropolis and Charming City --- Jilin.

吉林城得名于吉林江,即今松花江。Jilin city was named after Jilin River-namely Songhua River today.