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我叫贝弗马歇尔。I'm Bev Marshall.

贝弗利,但是请叫我贝弗。Beverly, but please call me Bev.

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贝福莉,但叫我贝福就行了。It's Beverly, but please call me Bev.

霍华德和贝弗·罗斯曼已经结婚33年了。Howard and Bev Rossman have been married for 33 years.

一位将“贝弗”的音发成“比弗”的男人走过来,与我握手。A man who pronounces Bev as "Biv" approaches and shakes my hand.

未成年学生意外伤害情况严重。Situations of accident injuries of juvenile students could bev ery serious.

对于十亿电子伏每一单位的重量,体积或费用可能被递送的事就是瓦特小时的数量。For the BEV it is the amount of Watt hours that can be delivered per unit of weight, volume, or cost.

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她将屏门打开。“我是爱狄的妈妈,贝芙。”这时,爱狄往前跨了一步站在她面前,将塞缪儿推出门外She opens the screen door. “I'm Adie's mom, Bev.” Adie steps in front of her and pushes Samuel back out the door.

当采用更窄的叶片并且肿瘤在BEV方向照射野的形状更加规则时,就能达到更好的适形。When adopting narrower leaf and the shape of tumor in BEV direction were more regular, the conformal degree of MLC would be better.

这提供了优势,从原则上讲,几乎无限制的公路范围内,只要你留在你BEV基础设施接入。This provides the advantage, in principle, of virtually unrestricted highway range as long as you stay where you have BEV infrastructure access.