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傲慢在这里也有很大的影响。Hubris has a big impact here too.

但是,极度的高傲自信开罪了神灵。But the gods are offended by hubris.

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他们的狂妄桀骜将带来本属的天谴?Will their hubris bring Nemesis in due course?

法国贪婪的胃口使其他大国惊恐不安。The very hubris of French claims alarmed the other powers.

企业界到处都是自大狂掌管一切的例子。The business world is full of examples of hubris taking over.

科学幻想来自科幻小说并且被狂妄所趋使。Science fantasy is informed by science fiction and driven by hubris.

如果事实如此,中国也许能避免高傲自大的缺点。If that is the case, China might be able to avoid the pitfall of hubris.

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我们本位主义的狭隘性和傲慢文化是一个危险的结合。Our parochial narrowness and cultural hubris are a dangerous combination.

所以我认为美国人不想要一个傲慢的下届总统。And so I don't think that Americans want hubris from their next President.

我认为这就是在年轻作家身上产生过分自信的缘由吧。I think this is what creates the impression of hubris in the young writer.

正如我强调的,我们人性中恶的一面来自机会主义与傲慢。As I stressed, our knavishness comes in the form of opportunism, and hubris.

不像那些伟大的摇滚乐队,威尔曼认为他们不会被自己的桀骜不驯所摧毁。Unlike great rock bands, he does not think they will be destroyed by their own hubris.

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这时候,他的小算盘里只剩下与他自己的自大纠缠不休的绝望罢了。His calculation at this point is little more than desperation, the last twist of his hubris.

自然灾害道破最好和最差的人们,洗去傲慢和技巧。Natural disasters lay bare the best and worst in people, stripping away hubris and artifice.

因为,它可能会教你对于一个人来说过分骄傲的风险或团队的重要性。Because it might teach one about the risks of hubris or the importance of team over individual.

一些新兴经济体的收购是受自负与探索心态的双重驱使。Some emerging-market acquisitions are driven by a combination of hubris and frontier mentality.

在目前华尔街的昔日巨头们该显示忏悔的时候,傲慢的迹象却比比皆是。At a time when its erstwhile titans could do with displaying contrition, signs of hubris abound.

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可最终,政策制订者、学术界和那些听信简单解决方案的人却都变得高傲自大起来了。Eventually, hubris sets in as policymakers, academics and those listening believe the simple answers.

但是,当石油价格下滑,俄罗斯经济开始收缩时,这种自满情绪就很难维系了。But as oil prices fell and Russia’s economy started contracting, this hubris became harder to maintain.

狂妄自大、过度乐观是这一错误的典型起因,不幸的是,董事会经常放任这种事情发生。Hubris and excessive optimism are the typical causes of this one, but sadly Boards still let this happen.