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不要允许这样做。Do not allow it.

请允许我澄清一下。Allow me to clarify.

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请允许我解释。Allow me to explain.

我们会允许一些。We would allow some.

允许他走在前面。Allow him to go ahead.

我不允许你这样!I won't allow it, Denys!

我们不允许掩饰。We do not allow cover-ups.

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我们可以给你方打个折扣。We can allow you a discount.

请允许我自我介绍。Allow me to introduce myself.

他大声地说,“噢,我绝不允许你这么做。”Oh, never would I allow that.

你得算好布会缩水。You must allow for shrinkage.

他们不充许在这儿吸烟。They do not allow smoking here.

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我们决不能允许此事发生。We cannot allow this to happen.

请允许我介绍安伯格博士。Allow me to introduce Dr Amberg.

巧用视频游戏。Allow some time for video games.

允许用户开始编辑。Allow the user to start editing.

让我们自个儿朗读课文吧。Allow us to read the text alone.

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用户可复制色板上的颜色码。Allow users copy the color code.

但波西亚却不容许这样。But Portia would not allow this.

把两层带子压在一起,等晾干。Press together and allow to dry.