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附近长着一颗树,现在知道是一棵金鸡纳树。Nearby grew a tree, nowadays known as Cinchona.

杜松子酒的口味来源于杜松子的浆果,而碳酸奎宁水中的奎宁来自金鸡纳树。Gin gets its flavor from juniper tree berries, and the quinine in tonic comes from the cinchona tree.

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金鸡纳宁,辛可宁一种生物碱,c19h22n2o,由金鸡纳树的树皮中。An alkaloid, C19H22N2O, derived from the bark of various cinchona trees and used as an antimalarial agent.

有史以来第一次提到使用金鸡纳树皮的,是在耶稣会传教士的正式记录中。The first ever mention of using the cinchona bark was in official records of community of Jesuit missionaries.

国内外众多文献都报道了金鸡纳生物碱衍生物在不对称合成中的应用。Various applications of the cinchona alkaloid derivatives in asymmetric synthesis have been reported in recent years.

综述了近年来金鸡纳碱及其部分衍生物在不对称合成中的应用。The applications of cinchona alkaloids and parts of their derivatives in asymmetric synthesis were reviewed with 34 references.

公元1600年代,征服墨西哥和秘鲁的西班牙人发现,南美洲的金鸡纳树皮能治疟疾,欧洲就到处充斥假金鸡纳树皮。And in the 1600s, after conquistadors discovered that South American cinchona bark cured malaria, Europe was flooded with fake bark.

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采用荧光光谱方法研究了三种磺化杯芳烃与四种金鸡钠碱药物分子的键合行为。The inclusion complexation behavior of sulfoantocalixarenes with four cinchona alkaloids was investigated by means of fluorescent spectra.

奎宁和其它金鸡纳生物碱类化合物作为手性选择子可分离苯丙氨酸、芳香酸和其它手性酸。Quinine and other related cinchona alkaloids were chosen for the separation of some tart enantiomers of phenylalanine, aromatic acids and other acids.

例如,一种有效的抗疟疾药物奎宁来自于金鸡纳树的皮,而且长久以来被拉丁美洲的传统药物使用。For example, quinine, an effective antimalarial drug, comes from the bark of the cinchona tree and has long been used in traditional Latin American remedies.

本课题所研究的是含有多聚苯刚性分子片段的金鸡纳碱类手性催化剂。This paper focuses on the synthesis of cinchona alkaloid catalysts which contains rigid polybenzene moieties and their application in asymmetric catalytic reactions.