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公路巡逻人员挥手让我们停车。The highway patrolman waved us to stop.

巡警琼斯曾在出事现场。Patrolman Jones is at the scene of the accident.

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一个巡逻员做什么?他巡逻街道。What does a patrolman do? He patrols the streets.

有一次我就因为超速度行驶被一个公路巡警拦了下来。Which is how I got pulled over by a highway patrolman.

他夺走了高速公路巡警的车和手枪。He took a squad car and a sidearm off a highway patrolman.

那现在-发怒的巡视者了我我为什么不划除照片。The now-irate patrolman asked me why I wouldn't delete the picture.

接著,这个巡警手上仍拿著枪过了一条马路来到我这里看我。Then the Patrolman came across the road with his gun in his hand and looked at me.

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所以,这个男子加速到95英里,然后105英里,但是那个警察始终跟着他。So the man sped up to 95 mph, and then to 105 mph, but the patrolman was still coming.

高速公路巡警看到一辆轿车在多通道的高速公路上危险地缓慢行驶。The highway patrolman sported a car driving dangerously slow on a much-traveled freeway.

突然女士尖叫起来,男子转身就跑。刚一出店门正好与过路巡警撞个满怀。Suddenly she screamed, and the man turned and ran out of the store, and ran into the arms of a passing patrolman.

这就是我为什么被高速公路上的巡视员拦下来的原因。“难道你没有看一下时速表吗?”,警官说。Which is how I got pulled over by a highway patrolman. "Don't you ever look at the speedometer?" the officer scolded.

实际上,我哥哥是一个高速公路巡警,我也明白你一直在听我的解释。但是这是真的啊。In fact , my brother is a Highway Patrolman and I understand that you hear excuses all the time. but this one is real.

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清末巡警制度的创立是中国警察近代化的开始。The establishment of the patrolman system at the end of the Qing Dynasty caused the process of Chinese police modernization.

针对这一情况,本文中论述了可真实记录巡更员执行任务时的真实情况的电子巡更系统。Based on the case, the true case of the electronic patrol system when the patrolman executes the work is discussed in this dissertation.

他正琢磨着公路巡警会不会阻止他在中间地带走,这时他看到一个塑料瓶躺在草丛中。He was wondering if a highway patrolman would stop him for walking in the median when he caught sight of a plastic bottle lying in the grass.

“我看你们从阿肯色州来,”警察说,“我曾经去过那里跟一个我见过最丑的女人相亲。”"I see you are from Arkansas, " the patrolman said. "I spent some time there once and went on a blind date with the ugliest woman I've ever seen."

迈拉从头上把披肩拿下来,披回到肩膀上。这事,凯西警官的声音突然变了,眼神变得锐利起来,像钢铁般闪闪发光。Myra had let her shawl drop from her head and back upon her shoulders. Patrolman Casey's voice changed, and his eyes became hard, glittering steel.

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我从她的哀哼知道她的样子一定很可怕,意外发生不久之后公路巡警就过来现场了,他可以听到贝西的呻吟声而来到她这边。I knew she was in terrible shape just by her groans. Shortly after the accident a Highway Patrolman came on the scene. He could hear Bessie moaning and groaning so he went over to her.